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Monday, April 20, 2015

    • Yaha palanaya speakers seems to be walking in the dark expecting something and now 100 days are coming to an end with no results.
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          These all allegation by Buru Harsha Ravi Champaka etc
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              If someone can check and go through all the offshore accounts of CBK,Ranil, Ravi LTTE NAYGAM, and Puppet Sira's they can find lot of money and all the history that how did they deal with RAW, CIA, MI6, LTTE(Tamil Diaspora); how did they betray our country, our nation for money and power. This is just mud slinging of pacha palana but, people know the truth now and they know good governance just shitying on Sri Lankan people.
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                  Bad luck - you have to wait until Ranil, CBK and Mr Sirisena leave for you to have a good time (if there is one in your life)
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                  Very unfair how this leader who saved the country is treated. US,India etc are waiting to damage the country. Instead of Helicopters some old cars were found...
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                      even you have ten accounts we don't care savings the nation that matters to Singhalese
                      Say Sirisena has NO Bank Account
                      but if he divided the country because of INDIAN and WESTERN PRESSURE because he is weak leader that is end of Sinhalese Race isn't it?
                      You stood strongly against PARA SUDDAS and Indian SAKKLYs with BACKBONE
                      you saved the nation from division
                      You defeated formidable LTTE which was supported by WESTERN govt for 30 years 
                      which West brainwashed the demoralised the Singhalese say
                      LTTE CAN NOT BE DEFEATED
                      LTEE IS INVINCIBLE
                      GO TO PEACE TALKS WITH TERRORISTS You proved them wrong
                      in recent presidential election in spite of formidable coup by RAW CIA betrayal by JHU
                      all combined 7 SINGHALA provinces you polled 58%
                      Sirisena was victorious in North and East 85%
                      We accept Sirisena is President of Tamils and Moslems people not President of Singhalese
                      For aveage Deshpremi Sinhalese you are our leader
                      Only you can SAVE THIS COUNTRY again like you defeated LTTE from conspirators
                      and foreign plots which they tried to do through Constitution. 19A and 13AA
                      using seeeni bola language 
                      same they used before Brainwashing Singhalese "" LTTE is invincible LTTE can not be defeated language"
                        see more
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                          Your analysis clearly gives the Tamils and Muslims why Sri Lanka should be divided into 2 parts Sinhala Sri Lanka for Mahinda and Tamil Eelam for non-Mahindas. This is why the LTTE clearly called out loud that Sinhalese are racists - unless your type of Buuru analysis is stopped this country will be divided as you said and you will not talk about the soldiers who sacrificed for country but will be happy with the looted money of your king. MS is the president of the entire country and that includes Sinhalese too. In 2010 Fonseka won the 2 provinces in North but lost Sinhala votes so Mahinda won and this time Sinhala voters voted for MS too so Mahinda lost, Theriyama?? 
                          The only solution to the country is to learn to live with Tamils and Muslims as well though you bloody find it hard in the name of your racist mind set. Learn that Sri Lanka belongs to Tamils and Muslims too and if you don't like then go to another country and see how you being treated as a minority at least. Get some brain cells mate!!
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                              go and fly a kite idiot we are not blind
                              Tamil NET, Rudrakumaran Cyber govt, POOPOOLAPILLAI GTF in Canada
                              Nadidevan of Norway, TLO, Sri lankan Guardian,
                              GTF father Emmanuel who jeered hooted Sirisena in his recent trip to UK
                              TNA , LTTE Terrorists in bishop robes in Mannar and Jaffna,
                              all these persons and organisations for promotion of ethnic harmony?
                              live as brothers and sisters of one family
                              only Singhalese are racist?
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                              Sir, whoever you are has spoken the Truth.People like You are rare.Keep up the Good Work. Truth will prevail.
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                                Even though you are my adversary, to be sincere to myself I have to admit that you do not have any such accounts in off shore banks. But when I mentioned this to my contract-in-charge Rajini before the election campaign started, she shouted at me and said " Kohomada buruwo boru nokiya chanda dinanne", and Pattapal was the first to jump in and approve. The humiliation did not hurt me much as I always maintained a master -slave relationship with Rajini. But the sarcastic laugh of the rest of the gang ( RS, Pattapal, Mongal, RKm ) was too much to bear.
                                However the final result was overwhelming and that made me forget all about humiliation that I suffered from within and outside and now I understand the value of spreading lies and bogus allegations. That is the reason why I recently said that I could not believe I was the president. ( in a way you are absolutely right. If we have a election today and you get half of the votes you received last time, it will be a miracle) In fact most of the credit should go to yellow robed Sobitha, Rathana, palhora Dagara Amila well aided and abetted by Pattapal, Rajitha, ..........................
                                But having to face a barrage of criticisms from all sides, now I feel winning was much easier than finding evidence to prove the bogus allegations against true patriotic leaders and statesmen with backbone. I can feel my end is near.
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                                    Good evening Mr Pambaya, Why don't you spend some time in a foreign soil than talking crap from Meda mulana all the time. At least you will get some sense if you do than talking crap in the name of washing laundry for meda mulana all the time. May be its worth a try! or you may have been hijacked by Weeramonkey's Nidahas peramuna to write crap, if that is the case I understand that you depend on Weeramonkey an co. survival in the next election :))
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                                        That's the whole point. For starters, you need to live here to appreciate the man and love this land!
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                                            Thank you Mr. Janaka for the understanding. In a way your assumption is absolutely right. Those who dragged me in to this situation have deserted me altogether and I have been pushed to look for salvation from dear friends like Wimal , Pra. Rana, who have shown their true character by not deserting MR, unlike many SLFPrs ( Wij.Soyza, Janaka Tenne,...........) who sang non-stop hosannas when MR was in power and now waiting in the queue for even a pion post. In fact I have become just a figurehead to announce the decisions of the Chawra gang only. That may be the reason why I have been labeled as a Pambaya by even those who voted for me and yet I am a little relieved that there are still a few Modays who still believe in me and back me. If you don't understand read the daily papers and understand for yourself what a precarious situation our country is in after my accession to the thorn.
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                                            With all due respect to you , do you really require around 100 days to come forward to say this?
                                            You are more than welcome to run the country once again but alone. Your team around you including your family members have spoiled all the good work you have done.
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                                                I couldn't agree more with you CR. 
                                                Mahinda Sir, you are more than welcome to take the helm once again and save this country from US-Indian-Diaspora domination and continue with your development drive that is stalled at the moment. 
                                                But one appeal to you sir. You should not allow any investigations against me or any of my Singapore gang to find the real stashed money that we received as rewards for our treacherous services, from our masters (US/EU/Diaspora,India ).
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                                                    No crocodile tears MR. the truth will come out soon. Lanka has lost hundreds of billions under your regime. You were deaf, blind, spineless to prevent all drug lords, criminals to plunder the nation. your budget allowed concessions for Lambourgini- for the benefit of whom? Unlnown Sri Lankan has brought a luxury hotel in Dubhai- money from where? Mangala has accused your family in the Parliament of commissions from Chinese govt and you could have taken action if they were wrong. all road projects were inflated by many fold- your record is beyond pathetic. lanka is struggling to pay debts which lined the pockets of your robber political henchman with natural suspicions of kick backs to our immediate associates. Champika openly lambasted you saying you were worse than Prabakaran as he decimated Lanka for 30 years but you have decimated Lanka for hundreds of years as poor Lanka will have to pay your loans for absolute stupid projects such as Mattala and other white elephant projects!
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                                                      Baba MR ! You have looted and prostituted this country.
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                                                          Check White Doctors Accounts
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                                                              Not in His name
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                                                                  Yes, BOC in Seychelles is a Sri Lankan Bank. Therefore, no offshore accounts........haha........What a logic?
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                                                                      Buckingham palace in America’.?he he he said the truth. our king need at least genaral knowlage. at least his purohithayas like wimal.those stupid separatists not let him to in to uk to see Bukinham palace.God bless sri lanka bah bah bah
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                                                                        La! La! La! Land.
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                                                                            He's Not saying he has NO accounts - only he has no SECRET accounts abroad. Anyone with an iota of intelligence would know that they dont keep money in their own name when it comes to black money.
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                                                                                This is the same explanation I gave my idiotic friends in the west exactly one day after the elections. As far as foreign money is concerned just check under the clothes of the women and the gay man. It is a pity we have a gemba as a president.
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                                                                                    If MR had a secret account in his name he would have been the biggest idiot in the world. I expect him to be smarter or slicker than that. If I was him I would have my money held vicariously. I mean by another KP. I keep hearing about the 100 days? It must have been imported from the US. These guys over hear talk about the 100 days all the time when a new Prez is elected. Srilankan Prez will need several 1000 days to undo the damage done by the MR clan. I feel sorry for the MR's clan. They were depending on MR to keep them in the lap of luxury. Imagine Gota living in Mrihana near Thilaka bakery instead of Colombo 7. No baby elephant, no shark to look at or a special military cook prep his meals, or military personnel to drive his in-laws to work. How about Namal, now he has to travel in clunky vehicles instead of those luxury transports. " MR is under a naraka dasawa"
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                                                                                        Thats right buddy. 
                                                                                        Seychelles accounts are LOCAL Sri Lankan accounts. 
                                                                                        We are democratic so we don't reveal friends' secrets.
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                                                                                            Only the British owned, HSBC has so far had illegally hidden information from governments to help tax dodgers. We did not hear any such claims against Seychelles banks.Presidents come and go and the Banks stays.
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                                                                                              Even if you had, it does not bother me as you have done great to our nation, we want you back very badly and chase this Borupalanaya of its existence as they do not know how to run a country just picking up stories and trying to score on them. Fools at the driving seat a very dangerous to our people.
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                                                                                                  ex. MR. ..
                                                                                                  TRUE NOT BY YOU .But your money maybe kept in other's account who are loyal to your kingship....simple logic..
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                                                                                                      What happen to Ravi's claim of Gota's account in Taprobane branch of Bank of Ceylon.
                                                                                                      What happened to the claim by the wife of a DIG(in remand) that MR's wife asked mrs. DIG to help to melt gold bricks from Treasury. Lots of villages must have registered these in their minds. Gota's name was cleared among people because he and the new Defence secretary spoke. But lots of other blames, media became silent, as CID is silent. This is the same technique used by the west. Put a blame , make a Ha Ho and then become quiet.
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                                                                                                        If this is against mangala, ravi or rajitha they will file legal case for damages. Now so many allegations against MR , he just issue a statement denying it and keep silent. I am sure this is another mistake by rajapakse. he also must keep filing cases against rumours or wrong statements by Ministers using public television.
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                                                                                                            Truth will shine one day. Mother Lanka is awaiting for that day.
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                                                                                                              I had no secret accounts in any foreign bank, says Rajapaksa - This could be true. 
                                                                                                              The most important thing is nowadays people don't need to use their own names for personal accounts as any Tom, Dick and Harry can open a business company account which may have 1 person or 1K people. So making such statements in fact make some sensible aware that he is smelling a rat. He did an AssCharya of the country after all so we have to believe him :))
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                                                                                                                    Well ranil will open an account in your name ,Indians will put the money ,americans will legitimize it.. .......and you are finished politically forever. neither your astrologers or even praying half naked in some indian temple is not going to save you.
                                                                                                                    1) why did you release indian drug traffickers..?
                                                                                                                    2) why didn't you resettle sinhalese who lost property in the north ...?
                                                                                                                    3) why did you bring the pope during elections....?
                                                                                                                    4)why didn't you enquire about corruption during previous UNP rule ..? .
                                                                                                                    5)Why did you pray half naked in hindu temple....?
                                                                                                                    6)why did you listen to astrologers..?
                                                                                                                    7)why didn't you care to learn something from your religious texts...?
                                                                                                                    8)why didn't you pursue the LTTE leaders abroad....?
                                                                                                                    9) why did you celebrate the war victory ..?.. instead of mourning the death of our soldiers....
                                                                                                                    10) why did you take credit for for a victory ,instead of thanking the brave SL army , chinese and pakistanis for helping win the war..?
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                                                                                                                      Late reaction ! Anyway a well thought out one.Must consult Astrologers now to find out where and in what form the plundered wealth have been hidden.
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                                                                                                                          yes, yes we know that, then where did you deposit all commission came from white elephant projects?
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                                                                                                                              Prove it you fool!
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                                                                                                                                  One white elephant told me that MR stashed money in the asses of specially selected few Sinhala modayas who voted for me and still believing in me when everyone has deserted me and amongst the few names in the list was .......
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                                                                                                                                    How bad! We know that you are a pansal going, baby kissing Maha Raja!
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                                                                                                                                        [I had no secret accounts in any foreign bank, says Rajapaksa]
                                                                                                                                        Yes you are not such a sinhala modaya to open in accounts in any foreign.
                                                                                                                                        you (may) have accounts in other persons (benami) name.
                                                                                                                                        swear in the name of Lanka Mata and disclose the real wealth belongs to you, if you are a true patriot and law abiding citizen.

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