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Monday, April 6, 2015

Govt has given portfolios to corrupt politicians - Yogeswaran says

Govt has given portfolios to corrupt politicians - Yogeswaran says

Batticaloa District Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Parliamentarian S. Yogeswaran has criticized the new government for giving portfolios to corrupt politicians who had put the country in total disarray in the previous government.
"The new government came to power declaring that they would abolish all sorts of corruption in the country and take action against the corrupt politicians in the previous government. However, the corrupt politicos of the previous government are well protected by the new government with portfolios being given to them," the TNA Parliamentarian said.
Yogeswaran was addressing the gathering at the annual Inter-House Sports Meet of Murakoddanchchenai Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalayam last Tuesday.
Ceylontoday, 2015-04-03 02:00:00
Read 565 Times
Govt has given portfolios to corrupt politicians - Yogeswaran says
By S. Gurunathan
Batticaloa District Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Parliamentarian S. Yogeswaran has criticized the new government for giving portfolios to corrupt politicians who had put the country in total disarray in the previous government.
"The new government came to power declaring that they would abolish all sorts of corruption in the country and take action against the corrupt politicians in the previous government. However, the corrupt politicos of the previous government are well protected by the new government with portfolios being given to them," the TNA Parliamentarian said.
Yogeswaran was addressing the gathering at the annual Inter-House Sports Meet of Murakoddanchchenai Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalayam last Tuesday.

He further mentioned that the Sri Lanka Army was stationed in the schools in the North and East. Earlier the SLA camps were functioning in government buildings and school buildings in the name of security. "Now even after ending the war the Army is occupying the public buildings and the schools in the North and East Provinces.

The Sri Lanka Army should vacate the buildings of the Murakoddanchchenai Ramakrishna Mission School and hand over the buildings to school authorities, "he said. He added: "I will be meeting the Defence Minister shortly and request him to withdraw Army camps from this school. I have identified several schools and private lands owned by the civil community under the control of the Sri Lanka Army. The government has been saying that normalcy prevails in the country. The Tamil National Alliance also contributed to the change of government. Hence the government should take steps to address our grievances.

"We are not speaking politics at school functions. However, we have been forced to speak politics in outdoor sports meets of schools. But we will not speak politics inside schools. Today the government is being criticized on the question of appointing the Leader of Opposition in the Parliament. Tamils and Muslims are also part and parcel of this country.
Both Tamil and Muslim communities have come to an agreement that TNA Leader
R. Sampanthan should be appointed as the Leader of Opposition in Parliament. Sampanthan should become the Leader of Opposition. If the majority community opposes a Tamil becoming the Opposition Leader then it should be considered as nothing but sheer communalism," he said.

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