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Monday, April 6, 2015

no one remembers thousand southerners killed but only notherners

US remembers Mullaitivu victims

By adminApril 4, 2015 19:12

The United States (US) commemorated the victims of the final stages of the war in Mullaitivu where the former Government had disputed the numbers on those believed to have been killed.Tom Malinowski
Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, who concluded a visit to Sri Lanka today, said that he walked along the beach in Mullaitivu where thousands were believed to have been killed.
He said that he was emotionally moved during his visit to the area and had paid his last respects on behalf of the US to those killed from both sides during the final weeks of the war.
Malinowski, who had also visited Aluthgama while in Sri Lanka, also noted that he found that all Sri Lankans want a Government which is transparent and accountable.
He noted progress being shown by the new Government on several issues and assured assistance from the US in addressing those issues.
Malinowski said that the former Government often rejected most concerns while the new Government is doing the opposite.
On the issue of those reported missing during the war, Malinowski said that he had met some of the families, and he feels that while some issues will take time to be resolved, the families of those missing should be given answers sooner than later. (Colombo Gazette)
Report by Easwaran Rutnam
By adminApril 4, 2015 19:12
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  1. Mynah G
    Mynah GApril 5, 21:12
    Tom should also take a walk in Baltimore in his native USA and see how the Black African Americans are still treated by the so called law enforces – the police. For US criminal acts overseas, visits to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Libya, etc. will shock his conscience if he is truly concerned about the killing of innocent civilian populations. In Sri Lanka, it was a battle to defeat a US designated international terror group that wreaked havoc and murder within the island for over 32 years killing members of every community.
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  2. NAK
    NAKApril 5, 11:51
    This alone expose their partisan behaviour towards the terrorists. He only choose to commemrate the dead Tamils as if only Tamils were kiiled.
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  3. sri
    sriApril 5, 06:22
    Tom didn’t you knew LTTE Tigers over ran Army camp in Mulativ it self was a huge massacre. Tom you can now freely walk along the beautiful beaches in SL thank to former president’s leadership to end the ruthless terrorism from our soil. SL military fought with real terrorism
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  4. Sol
    SolApril 5, 05:20
    You don’t have guts to tell Sinhalese people that you r here to com orate bloody murderer Prabakaran who got killed by heroic Sinhalese
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  5. Alex Goldstiene
    Alex GoldstieneApril 5, 03:37
    These reports are filed and published by worst cowards, who have no courage to stand up to the yanks to ask who is responsible for the mass murders in the Middle East.
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  6. Machiavellli
    MachiavellliApril 5, 03:16
    Had he gone to Vietnam this dude would have cried!
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  7. Sam
    SamApril 5, 03:08
    Do not worry we remember everything. We remember millions of people killed by US and UK forces in Iraq, Afganistan, Libya and Syria. We know US human right missions.
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  8. Gamaya Yapalanan
    Gamaya YapalananApril 5, 02:57
    US approaches towards in anything has been a selective approach and theirs actions are always right and the rest of the world is always wrong.
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  9. warnakulasuriya
    warnakulasuriyaApril 5, 02:11
    Mr be couite, don’t try to made problem in my country ,we know wery well your kaind harte in Iraq,Pakistai,Liby,Afganistan, millions of incent civilions keled by your troops?!!
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  10. yankee bar
    yankee barApril 5, 00:45
    You are a joker to all peace loving Americans. Go home and find something suitable or take a walk in Baghdad..dude
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  11. Mahesh Fernando from CA USA
    Mahesh Fernando from CA USAApril 5, 00:23
    Tom Malinowski wants to remember Tamils killed in the war, and the victims at the final phase. Does he think that nothing happened before? Probably this “Tom” was born in 2010. He better study history of Sri Lanka and its war against terrorism.
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  12. Ram
    RamApril 4, 19:55
    Don’t you wish that the US had shown half as much regard for the 1.4 million Iraqi dead, directly as a result of the invasion of Iraq to eliminate those non-existent WMDs.
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  13. malaka
    malakaApril 4, 19:40
    How very Touching Wonder if they the US will also commemorate Victims of Iraq where Oceans of Civilians Blood was spilt on a false war, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos??? Still Victims of Iraq can only Hope
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