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Saturday, April 18, 2015

CB Governor to face legal action in Singapore

CB Governor to face legal action in Singapore

2015-04-13 02:48:00
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Voice against Corruption is to file legal action against Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran in Singaporean High Courts on violation of emigration laws of that country, its Convener Wansantha Samarasinghe said.

Mr. Samarainghe told Daily Mirror that legal experts of Voice against Corruption are planning to file action against Mr. Mahendran in Singaporean Courts for violating that country’s emigration laws. “We decided on this action as Mr. Mehenadran is a Singaporean Citizen,” Mr. Samarasinghe said.

He said Mr. Mahendran had violated the Singaporean emigration laws by accepting the post of Central Bank Governor in Sri Lanka while obtaining permanent residency in Sri Lanka. Mr. Samarainnghe said no Singaporean citizen can obtain permanent residency in another country according to that country’s emigration laws.

Meanwhile, Voice against Corruption had filed fresh charges against former Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal, members of EPF investment board and some stock market agents with the criminal investigation authorities and the Bribery Commission on certain unprofitable investments of EPF funds.

Also he said Voice against Corruption had received information on some fraudulent deals by some Ministers in the present government and will make complaints against them to law enforcement institutions.

Mr. Samarasinghe who responded to the allegations made by few opposition MPs that the Voice against Corruption was engaged in getting the government to harass them and their families , said denying all charges and acting innocent had become a fashion today. He said the charges made by Voice against Corruption are not false at all as these are made by a panel of lawyers and audit experts.  


  Comments - 44

  • Sinhaya Monday, 13 April 2015 07:43
    Wise move as this govt is no second to the previous. via DM Android App
    Reply : 38        128 
    Guy Monday, 13 April 2015 08:05
    Its worthy of note that the Voice against Corruption was not heard during the MR regime.Were they intimidated by the threat of a white van pulling up in the dead of the night.Or was it simply too much corruption for them to handle.
    Reply : 27        138 
    Podi Seeya Monday, 13 April 2015 08:42
    Maybe not either of them. They would work to a particular political agenda. Anyway good show boys, keep up. We are watching you.
    Reply : 7        56 
    Bala Monday, 13 April 2015 10:20
    Because they knew nothing will happen - you heard they had 1800 files tucked away by Balapatabendi
    Reply : 2        43 
    Bala Monday, 13 April 2015 10:21
    Because they knew that nothing will happen. You heard of the 1800 files tucked away at BC by Balapatabendi while CJ 43 taken up immediately.
    Reply : 2        27 
    Cobra Monday, 13 April 2015 08:26
    Just cannot believe that this govt. started on the wrong foot and mind you appointed a crook for the position of Governorof the Central Bank and an alien at that. Of course it remains to be seen if this guy is proven guilty!
    Reply : 9        45 
    Wilward Monday, 13 April 2015 08:42
    At least Singapore is a good governance country and law will prevail there. We prey for the complainant. Arjuna must be first jailed and bailed out prior to the investigation.
    Reply : 7        47 
    Premalal Monday, 13 April 2015 08:43
    Guy who was not afraid of white van. Not even heroes like you . Those who were stupid enough to think like you have disappeared , crippled, ended up dead or the lucky ones managed to flee. Please do us a favour think before you talk.
    Reply : 8        19 
    Naked Eye Monday, 13 April 2015 08:45
    RW committed followings.1.appointing a foreigner inspite of objetion by cabinet colleagues 2 refused to remove the man when robbery was revealed.3.appointed party lawyers not competant to investigate the matter.4.failing to reveal the outcome of investigations.5.he and some of his ministers claimed that they have full confidence in the man when according to direct and circumstancial evidence show that the man and his son in law was engaged in insider dealings. 6.has failed to deal with the company involved by considering cancellation of the license and action to recover billions of rupees robbed and the colosal losses to the State. citizenship over night to a foreigner which is unprecidented when thousand are in line for years to get dual citizenships. Good move if not here in Singapore where law will apply irrespective of who you are. Ranil should be dealth with at the fothcoming elections. He and his catchers doing the same as the earlier lot only the faces have changed.
    Reply : 15        76 
    citizen Thursday, 16 April 2015 19:23
    You fail to mention that this guy is not even qualified.
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    daily editor moda Monday, 13 April 2015 08:50
    The Singapore law says that there citizen can any position on the world as long as civil in status. If you need a free SHOPPING trip to Singapore you are wellcome with tax payers money
    Reply : 3        26 
    salinda tennakone Monday, 13 April 2015 08:58
    Awesome. How do I join the voice against corruption?
    Reply : 5        32 
    billy Monday, 13 April 2015 09:05
    Yeah right during the last govt jvp was hiding under their beds afraid of white vans without doing any politics..
    Reply : 10        29 
    TONY Monday, 13 April 2015 09:11
    Reply : 5        33 
    sacre blieu Monday, 13 April 2015 09:12
    Now they could go about revealing these fraudulent acts without fear and are certainly doing a far better service to society than the rest. Well done fellow citizens, please continue with your admirable dedication to society.
    Reply : 6        25 
    Ravi Monday, 13 April 2015 09:14
    I am a Singaporean Citizen with Permanent Residence in Australia. There is nothing in Singapore law that prohibits anyone from doing this. Of course you cannot have dual citizenship, which is completely different to PR. I think this is a publicity stunt directed at Sri Lankan audience.
    Reply : 10        59 
    BuffaloaCitizen Monday, 13 April 2015 09:42
    The southern yakkos can always be taken for a ride and when they realize it is far too late. That is why we have such humbug elected leaders such as Mahinda Rajapakse, Weerawansa, Mervyn, Dinesh Gunawardene, Gamanpilla etc...
    Reply : 13        49 
    Abdul Thursday, 16 April 2015 10:05
    even i thought the same thing. i googled regarding this and found almost nothing about singapore citizens not being able to get pr abroad. im wondering why people make statements to media like this.
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    Voter Monday, 13 April 2015 09:24
    Wish your mission all success and hope the rogues will receive the punishment they deserve. via DM Android App
    Reply : 2        18 
    Giabao Monday, 13 April 2015 09:47
    this is going beyond limits. If he has violated Singapore law it is upto Singapore govt and singapore citizens to file a case. Let him first face if he has done anything wrong here. In my view this yahapalanaya govt has given birth to an unhealthy trend of "filing legal cases" for anything and everything and now it is beyond control and has become a joke.
    Reply : 10        15 
    ranjith Monday, 13 April 2015 09:53
    As he has admitted of a mistake he should be taken to the Fraud Bureau of Sri Lanka. Why cannot they take him there. Why is he because of his YASAPALA` connections.Opposition fellows should insist for trying him in Sri Lanka. Why are these JHU fellows could not ask the YASPALA to take immediate action to prosecute him as he is accepted his guilt.
    Reply : 10        11 
    mathew Monday, 13 April 2015 10:29
    what about the report submitted to rw.publish it please.rule of law?
    Reply : 3        11 
    Coconut Republic Monday, 13 April 2015 16:09
    True , also right for information
    Reply : 0        4 
    Lima Monday, 13 April 2015 10:36
    Reply : 7        35 
    Janaka Monday, 13 April 2015 11:55
    Why a Singaporean National ??, is there no qualified Sri Lankan who could hold this position ???, Shame on the people making such decisions, certainly for own benefits...
    Reply : 9        22 
    Nims Monday, 13 April 2015 12:02
    Excellent job. Our own Ranil and Ravi stood by this bank thief.
    Reply : 8        25 
    pereira Monday, 13 April 2015 15:54
    If they really want to bring action against him they can file a complaint with the CPIB (the corruption bureau in Singapore) for possible offences under the Prevention of corruption Act of Singapore. The Act applies to Singapore citizens in acts committed abroad as well as in Singapore.
    Reply : 1        12 
    Citizen Monday, 13 April 2015 16:08
    Reply : 4        4 
    Coconut Republic Monday, 13 April 2015 16:08
    True, also under right for information
    Reply : 0        5 
    simon Monday, 13 April 2015 16:09
    By the way we need a new CB Governor. Right it is govern by auto pilot without any direction and leadership.
    Reply : 2        8 
    Rav Tuesday, 14 April 2015 02:10
    SL should institute a whetting system for high level appointments like in the USA and UK.
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    Observer Tuesday, 14 April 2015 03:23
    Crooks, crooks everywhere we look!!
    Reply : 0        0 
    Eranga Tuesday, 14 April 2015 05:42
    There is no rule in Singapore that its citizens cannot obtain PR on other countries. Only thing is that Singaporean cant hold dual citizenship.They can hold PR on other countries
    Reply : 0        0 
    public Tuesday, 14 April 2015 06:35
    Just worry about corruption in SL, not need for you concern yourself about Singapore.
    Reply : 0        0 
    British Bull Dog Tuesday, 14 April 2015 07:40
    Singapore does not have a rule that prevents its Citizens from holding permanent residence in another county. via DM Android App
    Reply : 0        0 
    pavithra Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:59
    Seemes everybody enjoying the freedom of " Yahapalane" . I feel sorry for the readers who have no idea about a bond issue. Previous regime made enough bucks through private placements. Making the process more transparent this poor fellow had to pay the price . Media has to be more responsible than this . Waiting to see the facts in the report.
    Reply : 0        0 
    Nims Tuesday, 14 April 2015 15:05
    Ranil, Ravi, Mangala and others! Remember that this is the last opportunity you will get in Sri Lanka. Either take action against Mahendran or perish with the bank robber at the next election
    Reply : 0        4 
    Dr Arun Vincent Tuesday, 14 April 2015 18:59
    This group has no legal standing to file case in Singapore. Only the Attorney General of Singapore can do this. Secondly, why go all the way to Singapore when there are too many criminals locally?
    Reply : 0        0 
    mahinda Wednesday, 15 April 2015 08:16
    The entire country is been taken for a very good long HOPPER ride Never to return .BYE
    Reply : 1        1 
    SAM Wednesday, 15 April 2015 09:36
    We are making a mountain out of a mole hill, relax people, nothing will happen, Mahendran WILL walk.
    Reply : 0        0 
    Prem Nath Wednesday, 15 April 2015 09:59
    Why no Probe how he got Sri Lanka citizenship within same day service?
    Reply : 0        0 
    manipay Wednesday, 15 April 2015 16:11
    samarasinghe and the voie agaist corruption should first take lessons on jurisprudence before they delve into the intriacies of legality. i hope samarasinghe ans movement understand what i have written. i doubt it.
    Reply : 0        0 
    de silva Thursday, 16 April 2015 06:51
    I think only your organization is doing something.But will the YAHAPALANAYA Govt., allow you to carry on.
    Reply : 0        0 
    citizen Thursday, 16 April 2015 19:21
    Massive loss ignored thanks to yahapalanaya. The loss to the government from bond disaster is up to 9 bil rupees according experts. He managed to inflict this kind of massive loss just in one month. Think what will happen he were to continue....?
    Reply : 0        1 
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