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Monday, April 6, 2015

bloody fool

US says Sri Lanka failed after war

By adminApril 2, 2015 23:59

Tom-MalinowskiThe United States (US) says the opportunities that existed in 2009 to bring the country together were not seized and after 30 years of war, Sri Lanka struggled for five more years to achieve reconciliation.
Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor said that Sri Lanka has a chance now to achieve reconciliation, justice and true peace.
In a statement issued while on a visit to Sri Lanka, Malinowski said that for 30 years, Sri Lanka experienced some of the evils that now bedevil other deeply troubled parts of the world – including terrorism, driven by a fanatical ideology, employing suicide bombing, hurting most of all the people it falsely claimed to defend.
“Cruelty on one side hardened hearts on the other; abuses and grievances mounted on both. Victory by one side on the battlefield brought an end to the fighting, but did not heal the division. I would suggest that Sri Lanka experienced what America learned 150 years ago and many other countries have since, that you cannot really win a civil war,” he said.
Malinowski said that after the war, for five years, there were tensions between Sri Lanka and the international community over several issues but now Sri Lanka has come to a pivotal moment in the country’s history.
“Thanks to your dedication, Sri Lanka has a chance now to achieve reconciliation, justice and true peace. That will require, in part, looking backward, to acknowledge the suffering of the innocent and account for the wrongdoing of the guilty, on every side. You can finally close the gap between competing narratives so that all Sri Lankans can read their history from the same text,” he added.
Malinowski said the United States will continue to encourage that process, because experience has taught us that no society can move forward by burying the past.
He also noted that the Sri Lankan people and their new government have taken a great leap already to reclaim their traditions of democracy, tolerance and civil society and the US hopes Sri Lanka stays on that course.
“We welcome actions taken by the Sri Lankan government to rebuild trust with the Sri Lankan people; and we stand ready to support your efforts in establishing just and lasting peace,” he added.
He said that Sri Lanka may need to make hard choices needed to keep moving forward, but the US will do everything in its power to help Sri Lanka.(Colombo Gazette)
By adminApril 2, 2015 23:59
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  1. rasike
    rasikeApril 4, 17:02
    They have this nasty habit of possible off friendly countries!
    Give the some financial assistance for technological improvement.
    Take off of your trade barriers!
    You have to walk the talk!
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  2. rasike
    rasikeApril 4, 16:33
    Valid statement. We should take it up the chin.Also note
    It is very rich to cone from an American who destroyed Iraq and half the South American countries and hold sanctions against Cuba for half a century! & oppose any resolution against Israel’s inhuman actions.
    There was no reason to go to Libya and kill Gaddafi if he did not come up with a plane to sell sell oil in exchange for gold!
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  3. Nimal
    NimalApril 3, 19:08
    US hardly helped SL to fight the terrorists though they want SL to be prosecuted for war crimes. What right did have to bomb Vietnam and other countries. We fought the war with limited resources in our own country.
    Regime too failed the people as they made money out of the post war, should be made accountable.
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    • Athula
      AthulaApril 3, 23:53
      In the future SL Govt will be picked by Damils and Muslims. Whoever these guys vote will get to power.
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  4. NAK
    NAKApril 3, 10:48
    Yes..yes we know your aim is to make Sri Lanka a failed state. But I am afraid your attempt will be a failure as has happened every where else.
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  5. xpert
    xpertApril 3, 08:00
    Why USA put their fingers to all over the world.
    who gave them this place for control world?
    mind your language guys!
    you guys mix up this world.
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  6. James Bond
    James BondApril 3, 07:59
    U.S. will do everything to DIVIDE and RULE policy with corrupted NGO. as well as UN. They wants to manure INDIAN OCEAN so they can beat CHINESE and INDIANS..
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  7. Contrarian
    ContrarianApril 3, 06:44
    You certainly can win a civil war, but I agree that it cannot be won on the battle field. One side can prevail by offering the other side stability, opportunity and prosperity (thus overcoming the natural desire of the defeated to resist gains made on the battlefield). Colombo is well placed to achieve this – a united Sri Lanka can offer northern Tamils far greater economic opportunity and quality of life than they could ever have hoped to achieve on their own.
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  8. Sunil Manamendra
    Sunil ManamendraApril 3, 06:30
    My foot!!! Sri Lanka failed? then USA miserably failed in Syria / Libiya / Iraq / Yeman. These countries were well secured even with Dictators and trying to introduce what did USA do? Wholesale massaccar of innocent children babies and men women? the crime? if Sri Lanka is to bring to Human Rights Commission then USA should be brought before that – crime against humanity and also bring people to justice in International Justice Courts for these deaths.
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    • Rabok
      RabokApril 3, 12:43
      Well said Sunil – another F ………… trying to teach us how to protect human rights – In addition to what Sunil already mentioned – US Congress report regarding the torture of detainees by CIA in their world wide hidden camps and in Guantanamo Bay – killing of innocent civilians by drone attacks – Killing of children and women in Yemen by Saudis (with US aided air attacks) – traumatizing their own citizens by supporting big multinationals to ruin the environment at will – These guys are the world’s biggest human right violators – These guys have no right to teach others about human rights because they violate the freedom of their own citizens
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    SRILANKAWONApril 3, 06:13
    It’s sad to see that you cannot accept the fact that SRILANKA WON the civil war! Cruelty is on your side not ours!
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  10. Naga Ramalingam
    Naga RamalingamApril 3, 04:40
    Sri Lanka had a protracted vicious war for 30 years that brought the country on the verge of complete destruction and shattered the unity between the two major communities. Five years is not at all adequate to rectify the situation and rehabilitate people affected on both sides. Countries like US and UK only made the situation worse by their senseless comments and accusations. The tremendous infrastructure development in the last five years in the country were unprecedented. China and India helped SL in a big way.
    US is still having racial problems and social inequality for more than a century and no government has fixed it.
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  11. Crana
    CranaApril 3, 04:15
    Malinowski, why don’t you mind your own business. Every country that US interferes in ends up being a failed state. Sri Lanka will do well to keep them at bay. Americans only destroy countries. Their utter disregard for other nations and their filthy self interest driven actions are the biggest curse on this planet.
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  12. fernando
    fernandoApril 3, 03:45
    Mr. don’t worry for my country ,we will doing our best. we know the truth behind several game in past.
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    • Gamini
      GaminiApril 3, 23:55
      You are wrong. he is not worried about your country. He is worried about his country. they need a harbour and you have one.
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  13. Don
    DonApril 3, 03:15
    Don’t you think the Americans MUST mind their own business without interfering with the sovernity of other countries? Why has America failed to understand the up rising of movements such as Alquida? Don’t you think America has failed to identify the fundamental values of democracy even since 7/11 or was it a brutal act of Americans them selves? Will America ever understand what I have written here, if they pocess a reasonable intelligence amongst them?
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  14. CTB
    CTBApril 3, 03:08
    We Say US failed in every war.
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  15. Jay
    JayApril 3, 02:35
    How the hell can u accuse SL saying ” US says Sri Lanka failed after war”???
    You all are terrorists supporters.You all have destroyed the Arab world.How many millions of innocents were killed by the American Forces? Now u all are trying to DESTABILISE SRI LANKA????
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  16. L Raja
    L RajaApril 3, 02:22
    They never advised how to end the bloody war. Couldn’t tolerate the economic development made by Sri Lanka after the war with the help of economic power China. This expert advice is only good for a Pambaya like Sirisena.
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  17. Greg
    GregApril 3, 01:59
    In the last sentence: ‘to make hard choices” to do what ? To give more powers to politicians representing a fraction of about 800,000 people in the North out of about 3 million Tamils in the country ? Nonsense ! Every citizen in Sri Lanka including Tamils in the North is enjoying equal rights in Sri Lanka. There is no need to give any powers to politicians of TNA than what they have now. Differences between Tamils and Sinhalese is a cultural issue which has to dealt through education for example: Teaching Tamil in schools in the south and Sinhalese in the North and educating all citizens of values of all four religions.
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  18. LKcricket
    LKcricketApril 3, 01:43
    We failed after the war was won. But USA fails every war! Just shut up your mouth and mind your own business!
    USA is the cancer to the whole mankind!
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  19. SEBA
    SEBAApril 3, 01:33
    Western counties ruined Iraq and Libya.and they are trying to do same to Sri Lanka.
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  20. Athula
    AthulaApril 3, 00:53
    China already pouring in money. try to create another country for tamils. hopefully they will give a harbor
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