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Sunday, April 26, 2015

others are given not to Sinhalese

Housing facilities for Sinhalese in Jaffna

Members of North East Sinhala IDP Association (NESIA) have written to the Minister of Re-settlement D M Swaminathan seeking his intervention to arrange proper housing facilties for the Sinhalese who have been in IDP status in Nawakkuliya in Jaffna since 2010.
NESIA has highlighted that although all other communities have been properly settled and had been given basic infrastructure no such treatments have been extended to Nawakkuliya Sinhala village to date.
Noting that they have been in a state of displacement since 1983 black July riots, the IDPs have stated that none of the governments looked into their woes. They have asked Minister Swaminathan to assist them in building permanent houses in their village or to help them become beneficiaries under the on going Indian Government funded housing program.

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