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Sunday, April 26, 2015

now more restriction for public gathering - no media No restrictions

Laws Sought To Restrict Protests

By Waruni Karunarathne
Deputy Minister of Justice Sujeewa Senasinghe says laws must be introduced to restrict public demonstrations to specific areas as a move forward for to allow peaceful demonstrations in the country in order to protect the rights of activists, workers and the public.
Minister Senasignhe said that in Sri Lanka the public demonstrations are carried out at times disturbing the public and causing public unrest. Therefore he added that there is a need to introduce laws that curtail demonstrations to specific areas assigned like in many other countries. “I have observed that in countries like Australia there are specific places for demonstrations so that the demonstrations do not disturb the public and their day to day activities. Demonstrations must be done peacefully,” he added.
According to him, right now in Sri Lanka there are no designated locations for public demonstrations and therefore there is a necessity to introduce such places and laws to curtail the demonstrations to such areas “Those laws must be enforced in order to protect the rights of both workers and public,” he insisted.
In countries like the US, there are Free speech zones or protest zones set aside in public places for political activists to exercise their right of free speech and carry out demonstrations.
This  is bull shit american ca protest any where even wall street

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