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Monday, April 6, 2015

MP says National security at risk

By adminApril 3, 2015 15:11

NamalSri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) member Namal Rajapaksa, the son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, says the Government has placed Sri Lanka’s National security at risk.
He said that while positive steps are being taken toward strengthening national reconciliation, there is a concern that not enough is being done to also strengthen national security.
“For example, the Government has started eliminating high-security zones. Handing back private lands to their owners is important. But the question is whether the Government intends on eliminating all high security zones in regions that were dominated by LTTE activities not too long ago? Then earlier in March, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera said, in Parliament, that the Government is considering lifting the existing ban on Tamil diaspora groups, perhaps forgetting that the ban was first imposed because there was evidence of these groups working to revive the LTTE. It is quite puzzling as to why the Government would consider such measures. It seems that the present Government is blind to the continuing threat of LTTE remnants, even when an organization such as the European Union has reimposed its ban on the terrorist group. Amidst all this, the Government is more concerned about things like banning full-faced helmets. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so worrying,” he said.
Rajapaksa says the people are afraid that remnants of the LTTE could be given the space to become powerful again and that the uture does not seem too promising. (Colombo Gazette)
Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) member Namal Rajapaksa, the son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, says the Government has placed Sri Lanka’s National security at risk.
He said that while positive steps are being taken toward strengthening national reconciliation, there is a concern that not enough is being done to also strengthen national security.
“For example, the Government has started eliminating high-security zones. Handing back private lands to their owners is important. But the question is whether the Government intends on eliminating all high security zones in regions that were dominated by LTTE activities not too long ago? Then earlier in March, Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera said, in Parliament, that the Government is considering lifting the existing ban on Tamil diaspora groups, perhaps forgetting that the ban was first imposed because there was evidence of these groups working to revive the LTTE. It is quite puzzling as to why the Government would consider such measures. It seems that the present Government is blind to the continuing threat of LTTE remnants, even when an organization such as the European Union has reimposed its ban on the terrorist group. Amidst all this, the Government is more concerned about things like banning full-faced helmets. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so worrying,” he said.
Rajapaksa says the people are afraid that remnants of the LTTE could be given the space to become powerful again and that the uture does not seem too promising. (Colombo Gazette)By adminApril 3, 2015 15:11
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  1. punchinilame
    punchinilameApril 4, 20:12
    The Weliamuna Rpt. on Air Lanka states:-
    “A Cabin crew member had been released from the airline to work at the Presidential Secretariat following a request from the then Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga, but she was actually released for Namal Rajapaksa‘s political work.
    She had been paid by the airline, including allowances for cabin work although there is no explanation of what services she provided except that she had been over paid more than 4.2 million rupees.
    The BOI recommends that the Sri Lankan airlines take action to recover the overpaid amounts from the staff member who has been identified in the report and direct prosecutions of those who authorized misappropriation of public finance.”
    Namal had all his security then and is getting frightened these days……………
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  2. AB
    ABApril 4, 12:10
    Like the father like the son. Playing communal politics to come up and shine
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  3. sacre blieu
    sacre blieuApril 4, 09:50
    I wonder what went on in those two specially fitted super luxury buses and what kind of bumpy ride you experienced.
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    SATHYAVAADY.April 4, 04:26
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  5. James Bond
    James BondApril 4, 04:19
    People in Srilanka can not see NAMAL’s speech..Some idiots in this web page can not read between the lines. Next time Indians will support LTTE..that is why Indians KISSING Srilankans. Never trust MODI ( world is not perfect ,,and it is better u suspect everything in this world ..) wriiten by CARLOS CASTANEDA ..He is ONE OF THE BEST writers in the world…of course he is SPANISH…
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  6. Sivan
    SivanApril 4, 03:44
    Synthetic lawyer Namal as others already mentioned RETURN Srilankan citizens’ hard earned money you,your dad,your mum,your uncles,your brothers and extended families on your father’s and mother’s side robbed.That is not all.How about commissions earned from Chinese firms and Mig and arms deals.Why worry about national security threat when there is no threat except from your family only.Slowly but surely all the financial irreguarities and the illegal businesses (ethanol,drugs,spare parts etc) will come to the open and you all will pay one way or the other. It is best to keep quiet and continue your Ph.D although you DO NOT POSSESS the basic qualification
    needed.Best of luck.
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  7. Chuni
    ChuniApril 4, 01:04
    We have very good security in island wide. we will put more security personals every where to controlled peace of Sri Lanka. white van case finish or still continuity in island. who started and supported that WV case killed that people. don’t let that people to talk and criticized the very insentient people. don’t do again guys.
    Develop the country number one country in the world
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  8. gerard mano
    gerard manoApril 4, 00:17
    You are a nobody even in Sri Lanka now, so, get lost
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  9. Abb Normel
    Abb NormelApril 3, 23:50
    These Rpakssa never shed a drop of blood for the country. Instead GoRa man hide in a night shift 7-11 coffee shop in US while Losithaya had a blast in English navy beer town on our Lankan Tax money. Hey Ab=Normal LOyer boy do you know there is a Hero Marshal that will kick anybody’s asSH challenging mother Lanka…..
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  10. laa
    laaApril 3, 23:07
    paw na…mal babaaa
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  11. Antany Peter
    Antany PeterApril 3, 22:30
    Before you worry about the national security; can you please ask your uncles to give back the money they have ripped off from the country? Please make sure that your uncle Basil come back this month to face the music.
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  12. Desapriya
    DesapriyaApril 3, 20:42
    අනේ ඔබයි මමයි දන්න ජාතික ආරක්ෂාව. දන්න දෙයක් ගැන කථා කරමු අපි.
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  13. Marusira
    MarusiraApril 3, 19:52
    These communal minded fellows always wants to keep the minorities as second class
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    • Samy
      SamyApril 3, 20:28
      Definetly these communal minded devils will never vanish from earth. Specially this family from the South.
      God will take care of these unwanted elements from earth very soon.
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    • Jay
      JayApril 3, 21:39
      Vote buying comment. Too late game is over.
      I thought women were at risk of MR period.
      Be thankful to the current government. If they want they can send your father and uncle to war crimes tribunal. They are protecting you guys and ruine that my friend.
      Can he or his uncle Gota go to .USA.
      Reply to this comment
      • Sinhala_Man
        Sinhala_ManApril 4, 09:13
        Absolutely, the Rajapaksas, must be thankful.
        On the 16th of March, Dunya Maumoon, the Foreign Minister of the Maldives was in Colombo asking us to stand by their government just as they had helped protect us from the “International Community”. Never take these things government communiques at their face value!
        I am convinced that during our civil war there were atrocities on both sides, and in the final analysis, even a peacenik like me was relieved that the monster Prabhakaran was “eliminated”. I know that Veluppilai P. was a man, and his contorted psychological make up could be explained as being the collective responsibility of us Sinhalese. Similarly, the continued devotion of a handful of people who still support the Rajapaksas as evidenced at Nugegoda, Kandy and Ratnapura could be explained.
        The Maithri government did not repudiate the Dunya request for mutual back-scratching with sufficient force, but again the language of diplomacy cannot be the language that I use! Much as we would welcome a visit from the Dalai Ilama, we can’t allow him in to the country because of Chinese objections. The situation in the Maldives is more horrendous than anything that we have known, because there is no excuse for it. I know what I am talking about here; Mohamed Nasheed is a wonderful man, an idealist in whose thinking there is a throwback to the 100% Buddhist country that the Maldives was 700 years ago. Make no mistake: he is a Muslim – fighting against, among some other things, the aberrations of Islamism.
        Please find out for yourselves what is happening in the Maldives:
        Please don’t depend only on what I have provided you with. Please find out more. Let’s stop imagining that we have to cover up all the wrong that the Sinhalese have been provoked in to doing, and also stop thinking that we must only tolerate (and make temporary use of) certain non-Sinhalese because it is to our advantage. That would be most un-Buddhistic!
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    • Sinhala_Man
      Sinhala_ManApril 3, 22:01
      I agree, and I think that we must make sure that this Rajapaksa family’s network must be eliminated.
      All those who have commented so far seem to feel that this young puppy has no business to be pontificating at his age.
      There will be many threats to our society – but not from Tamil militants unless they are made to feel second-class citizens.
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  14. su siri
    su siriApril 3, 19:50
    Hey Mr. Namal. Are you more afraid that the LTTE that you and your daddy sent bribes to, will come after you? Or that the wealth your family embezzled from the LTTE will be revealed?
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  15. Pingpong
    PingpongApril 3, 19:23
    Ane Namal Baboo.. Oya danna National security.. Other than talking about national security, isn’t it good to think of how you get your family defend against corruption charges?
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  16. Dammika
    DammikaApril 3, 18:59
    Malli … what do you know about national security … you are a mouth piece of someone. Current rulers are not amateurs … they very well know what they are doing …. no one ever will put our country at risk. Just don’t create stories arouse the peoples feelings
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    • Samy
      SamyApril 3, 20:35
      He knows how CORRUPTION works, kick-backs, commissions (200%) and nothing more. Not worth reading this guy’s comments. Full of garbage talk. Good for the modayas.
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  17. Nimal
    NimalApril 3, 18:39
    That’s why we have a security presence in the north.
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  18. Sellam
    SellamApril 3, 18:33
    The Tamils have been defeated moraly,militarily and being enslaved. Therefore there is no room for another war. Do not harp repeatedly on National Security and take over all lands belonging to the Tamils. People like you are the cause for the 30 year war . And you are the cause for the deaths of 70,000 innocent Tamil civilians.
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    • kamall
      kamallApril 3, 21:07
      Really? Who started the war with massacre of poor Sinhala villagers in Killinochchi, Vvunia, tTrincomalee, with indiscriminate mass killing of people in Anuradhapura, Willpattu, Seruwila, Pdaviya Pulmudai. and who also evicted 80,000,muslims within 24 hours, who killed 600 police officers within hours of surrendering to the LTTE on the promise of that they will be handed over from Jaffna, who killed or attempted to kill every leading Sinhala polititian execept of course Ranil Wickramasinghe, the darling of Separatists, and who even killed the prime minister of India.
      Despite this when democratically elected leaders of th Tamils accuse the Sinhalese of genocid and assert that they still want secession, the ordinary peace loving Sinhalese who suffreed for 30 years cannot be expected to trust the tamil leaders, present and future.
      Mr Sellam, Over to you. Be candid and honest , and cand face the reality if you want durtable peace for the sake of both communities
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      • Gamaya Yapalanan
        Gamaya YapalananApril 4, 08:31
        Well said Kamall.
        Sellam is another manipulator and a LTTE supporter. Sellam – Do not be Sallam as we never forget the past of your LTTE activities.
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  19. Ashamed Sri lankan
    Ashamed Sri lankanApril 3, 18:04
    Dear Namal,
    please do not worry about the security of the country.
    Give an account of all the monies you miss used in your Youth Programmes.
    Give an account as to how you obtained entry into Law School without the stipulated qualifications.
    Sit down with all your family members and try to sort out the mess they have put the country into.
    Give an account as to how you and your brothers turned a good sport into a bad one.
    Look forward to gradually maturing yourself into an Honest, God fearing, Humble, Educated, Etc politician.
    Stand out to be a person that all Sri Lankans wish to see and know. Good Luck.
    Reply to this comment
    • Samy
      SamyApril 4, 08:08
      All honest Sri Lankans are ashamed. Don’t make any more stupid statements. Please answer to all above questions. Give details about Law exam, monies stolen,
      kick-backs and other criminal activities.Awaiting response.
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  20. Tuan
    TuanApril 3, 18:04
    Hora Lawyer needs someone to teach him some sense
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  21. Truth
    TruthApril 3, 18:03
    Does this guy know what he is talking about ?
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  22. iemerald
    iemeraldApril 3, 17:50
    so what the hell do you want , you second class lawyer.
    how would you ljke to be frisked every time.
    oh you wont because you are the elite and beyond the law of the land.
    we dont need all these HSZ. what we need is strategically placed unpoliticized, well disciplined security services run by professionals not political hangers on appointed by the political elite who are corrupt beyond belief.
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  23. mike
    mikeApril 3, 17:50
    Was this statement prepared for you? Can you make a statement/speech on the spur of the moment in English? LOL!
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  24. Dayan
    DayanApril 3, 17:40
    These fellows are living on racism.
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  25. Me Lankan
    Me LankanApril 3, 16:56
    When you corrupt rogues were in power, national economy was at risk. Den sudano wenna hadana dooshitha hora thakkadiyo!!!
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  26. roshan
    roshanApril 3, 16:34
    you are nowhere in politics or in law if not for your fathers influence. we are not fools to believe your nonsense stories. keep quiet and stay in hambantota without uttering litter. if your father was that much deshapremi why did he keep Carlton an English name to your house.these all crocodile tears learned from dayan jayatillke the bootligger.
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  27. Laksh
    LakshApril 3, 16:10
    Yuddhen Pass Aayeth Suddhayak Dendawage Lowyer Balanne???????.
    Thaathage Puthane?.
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  28. nic
    nicApril 3, 16:07
    The high security zones your father and uncle maintained was politics of fear and a form of intimidation. There is absolutely no need to have had a no drive zone through Janadipathi Mawatha post the end of the LTTE. You are the least qualified among any citizen in this country to talk about national security. Thank God your father lost as now parents of girls and boys are free of you and your hooligan bunch molesting them in the pretext of being members of a bogus organization.
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