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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Summary Of UNFGG, UPFA, JVP & TNA Manifestos: Parliamentary Elections 2015

Summary Of UNFGG, UPFA, JVP & TNA Manifestos: Parliamentary Elections 2015

The Deshodaya Movement has put together a 38 page summarized English translation of the UNFGG, UPFA, JVP and TNA manifestos.
Click here to read.
UNFGG, UPFA, JVP &TNA Manifestos- Parliamentary Elections 2015
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20 Responses to Summary Of UNFGG, UPFA, JVP & TNA Manifestos: Parliamentary Elections 2015

  1.  2
    The manifesto of UPFA cleaely states that legistlature for change in party constitution will be introduced. MS will bwe sidelines if you vote for this program. The program envisges peole who were involved in anti corruption will be punished. Kangaroo courts will be established. Many scemes are good. Buit for implementation it is necesary that the threat for sanctions from the World be lifted.The UPFA does nor have access to markets and FDI that are income generating. We have to pay more for bettr skills. Skill upgrading through technology and Industries in Sri lanka sharing in technology. Commitement and savings by the people is needed. Knwledge our people software is important.Fertilizer used on sdiiferent soils create toxcines due to over fertili9zer use. It is necesary that decions are made on individual scontext. Grants and loans are useless without international support for markets and funds. All party manifestos are good. Tna endorses the united country factor. We must carefully go through tese documents and agitate for the right policy in an goverment that all politicians and all citizens and the international comunity participates.
    Ranil Wijeyesekera
    August 13, 2015 at 8:05 am
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      RE:Summary Of UNFGG, UPFA, JVP &TNA Manifestos: Parliamentary Elections 2015 Amarasiri’s Manifesto. 1. Expose, Expose,and Expose Liars, Crooks, Thieves, Robbers, Criminals, Murderers , Rapists. Bribe Takers, Myth Holders, Misrepresents, Devil Followers, etc. There is plenty to keep Amarasiri and many others occupied… Right now for the next few days the Liars, Crooks, Thieves, Robbers, Criminals, Murderers , Rapists. Bribe Takers should be exposed..until August 17th. Sing the song… Mara MaRa Chatu MaRa MaRa MaRa Amana MaRa MaRa MaRa HoRa MaRa MaRa MaRa Dhushana MaRa..
      August 13, 2015 at 3:28 pm
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      Ranil Wijeyesekera “We must Defeat Mahinda’s fascist politics” – Dr. Vickremabahu Karunaratne – Time to wash out the old guard of corrupt liars, crooks, thieves,and criminals who were behind Mahinda Rajapaksa. JVP should replace the so-called left crooks. The Leader of the New Left Front (NLF) party Dr. Vickremabahu Karunaratne says that the crucial issue that the country needs to handle is defeat the Fascist movement of Mahinda Rajapaksa. –
      August 13, 2015 at 4:06 pm
  2.  17
    UPFA – Too little too late UNFGG – The only hope JVP – Keep the bastards honest TNA – Pigs might fly!
    August 13, 2015 at 8:20 am
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      Vibhushana, Brilliant summary! Dr.RN
      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
      August 13, 2015 at 8:19 pm
  3.  5
    A welcome comparison, that will be of useful to all voters. The most comprehensive, specific and well thought out manifesto is that of the UNFGG. However, a new constitution needs to be formulated by a National Constitutional Commission after wide public constitution. The TNA manifesto cannot be compared with those of the UNFGG, JVP and the UPFA, because of its very narrow focus. I wish it had a clearly specified national dimension, although words on political platforms, refer to a national perspective. TNA is yet not defining itself in national terms, while advocating a Tamil perspective. The UPFA manifesto, uses the word race and says it will ‘Tolerate’ all religions .It may be a translation error. Why does it not say it accepts all religions? Further, it is a wash out in terms of specificity and futuristic concepts. Even its stated good intentions are suspect in the light of its good/acceptable performance, non-performance and dirty performance. The non-performance and dirty performance have overwhelmed its good/acceptable performance and cannot be forgiven or forgotten within eight months. Careful reading suggests it wants to continue in the same dictatorial, callous and dirty way, under a Westminster system. It is a reaction to the UNFGG and JVP manifestos and attempt to secure what it thinks is its MR slanted vote base. I avoid using the words, Sinhala-Buddhist, because I do not think the MR slanted vote base is truly that. The JVP constitution is acceptable in terms of its objectives but lacks/avoids specifics. In concert with the UNFGG it can contribute much to the country and provide a meaningful opposition to voice the concerns of the people where necessary. Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
    August 13, 2015 at 10:49 am
    •  4
      Ranil has ruled out any real devolution. See Daily Mirror: So much for all the old crows that were crowing of “change”
      August 13, 2015 at 5:11 pm
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        RR, Thanks. I have listened to the video. What RW said was that they will devolve power up to/down to the village level-Grama Rajya, but would not grant federalism. In India too power is devolved up to/down to the village panchayat level. There will be thus many levels of devolution or dispersion of power. Further, the ‘Old crows have to teach the young crows to eat and fly! Dr.RN
        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
        August 13, 2015 at 8:26 pm
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          History is my guide and it says that Ranil will not give anything. You wait and see. Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it. Well if the old crows are teaching correctly that is fine but its better to for old crows to drop off their perch than to teach incorrectly.
          August 13, 2015 at 10:47 pm
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            [Edited out]
            NIRMALA n
            August 13, 2015 at 11:19 pm
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            Without hope, there can no life. Let us hope Maithri and Ranil will do what is right by all citizens in Sri Lanka. If the old crows drop off their perch and die, before the young crows learn to eat and fly, the young die too! Dr.RN
            Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
            August 14, 2015 at 12:16 pm
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              Better to die young and innocent than live to be old like you but corrupt to the core.
              August 14, 2015 at 5:33 pm
  4.  3
    Wiggy is correct about the TNA. Why make promises for the 196th time that you cannot keep? I think what is missing in TNA are people with good ideas. Taking the periphery to begin with. Lets say you aspire to be in charge of the entire North Easten provinces. How would you tackle it if you were in a developed country? You would nominate people representatives on merit basis first wouldn’t you? The second tier of consideration would be male/female ratio.The 3rd tier would be origin. So you would breakdown further 25% from Jaffna 25% from Batti, and 50% from Trinco perhaps. Finally you have narrow ethnic agnostic policies. You would change the party name to something like “NE Alliance”. Considering most Tamils live outside of NE you would need a policy there too. Here you want equal opportunities. So you ensure Equal opps bill is passed in Parliament. Secondly as a model of existence I would select the “Judaeo Americas Model”. This is where you have key Tamil players in positions of power influencing nationwide policies. Other than a policy on these lines Tamils will continue to meander aimlessly in a gloomy wilderness for a perpetuity.
    August 13, 2015 at 11:08 am
    •  4
      For the first time I find Vibushana has said something sensible. If the Federal Party had NOT restricted itself to bear the burden of naming itself in Tamil as ITAK and realised that he fate of differing nationalities living in the island are inextricably linked , and taken an island wide national perspective, things could have worked out better. But events and circumstances had conspired to prevent that process from happening. Apportioning fault cannot solve the problem, unless there is a determined willingness to remedy the defects which stare in the face is sincerely approached and tackled head on by all concerned.
      August 13, 2015 at 2:21 pm
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      Vibushana, Once again a sensible, practical and non-inflammatory input. Please see my comment following CVW’s input in a parallel thread. Dr.RN
      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
      August 14, 2015 at 12:22 pm
  5.  0
    The UNP manifesto contains many initiatives that will place a huge admininistrative burden on the government. Of course people are welcome to decide if they want such changes. The manifesto contains many minor changes as well to the existing system. As for the UPFA, the “Rs 50,000 allocation to every youth between the age of 18-25 to pay for their further education ” itself is a worthwhile benefit, like many others. There are some real benefits here for the people, unlike the mainly administrative changes that the UNP is proposing. Manifestos are irrelevant in that the people have decided for the most part how they will vote. Ironically, it is the swing vote that will determine the future of the country.
    August 13, 2015 at 2:37 pm
  6.  5
    Although the UNFGG & JVP Manifesto talks about new constitution all three Sinhalese lead political parties UNFGG, JVP,UPFA manifestos maintain unitary state structure. In otherwords, devolution proposals they talk about become meaningless because the decision makers are Sinhalese.UPFA continue to maintain Buddhist supremacy over others. It is laughable that they will find a political solution within six months after 10 years with two third majority. None of the Manifestos talk about accountability. UPFA manifesto is for Buddhist Sinhalese Fundamentalists only. JVP Manifesto appears neutral but not practical. UNFGG Manifesto is tactical, not open enough to convince their sincerity. TNA manifesto is consistent throughout the history. Their stand is very clear that devolution of power in a united framework where Tamil speaking people should have a say to stop unwaranted interference by people living outside that framework.
    August 13, 2015 at 2:40 pm
  7.  4
    UPFA=UNP= same shit different faces, and business as usual, we were no raised from the dead over last four decades, JVP unknown territory, and i have no problem with wading to unchanged territories, there is nothing to lose, TNA can contribute on its own ways but not going to rule lanka in near future, so it would be futile to comment.
    dhammika herath
    August 13, 2015 at 4:17 pm
  8.  1
    looks like the UPFA will throw non existent money at existing problems ,such as education , three wheeler drivers ,university graduates …stay wary of foreigners unless they are chinese …and look after those who vote for them .concerning corruption it appears they are only prepared to go after people who make unfounded allegations against them in the future, rather than assisting investigation into ALL cases that arise
    August 13, 2015 at 6:03 pm
  9.  0
    I think this 4 way summary clearly shows the problem with the Tamils in Sri Lanka. If you have a look the major issues : TNA has NO idea or policies with regard to them. Are you (TNA) planning get these from India are you ? If you want to play serious politics you have to have NATIONAL POLICIES and MAKE TAMIL PEOPLE THINK NATIONAL … NOT JUST NORTHERN AND EASTERN PROVINCE ONLY. ARE you happy move and LIVE IN only Northern and Eastern Provinces… from the DATA I have this is not the case…YOu live among Sinhalese and criticise us. If you don’t like Sinhalese don’t live in Colombo and majority Sinhala areas FULLSTOP. 

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