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Sunday, August 30, 2015

are there any sinhales in sri Lanka? it all about Tamils and us and norway

'Tamil question should be resolved in a just manner'

Aug 31 (SO) TNA which received an overwhelming mandate from the North-East Tamils in the Aug 17 general election, securing 16 seats, will work simultaneously to reach a political settlement to the Tamil national problem while addressing the daily needs of the people, M.A. Sumanthiran MP said. He said the TNA will seek maximum devolution of powers on par with a federal system of governance within a united SL by more

Accountability is not limited to a majority-minority dynamic

Aug 31 (ST) With the Sept 2015 report of the UNHRC referencing war-time accountability of Sri Lanka’s political and military command looming nearer, the question which we need to ask is quite simple. As much as decades of politicized and bloodied elections were confounded by the conducting of an impeccable parliamentary election this month by Commissioner of Elections and state officers, can this country look deep into the trauma suffered by Tamil civilians during conflict, more..

TNA national list Shanthi recalls Vithya

Aug 31 (CT) TNA newly appointed National List female parliamentarian Shanthi Sriskandharaja contested on the ITAK ticket from the Vanni District in the general election, but was not elected. Sriskandaraja said she will speak on behalf of all women in the North in Parliament to ensure their safety. "We don't want another Vithya in Punguduthivu to be victimized. I feel there is less security for females in Northern Province," more.

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