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Thursday, March 26, 2015

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TNA urges President, PM to visit Mullaitivu

Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Vanni District Parliam entarianN. Sivasakthy Anandan alleged that properties still under the custody of the Security Forces in the Mullaitivu District were stalling the process of resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons in those areas.
Ceylontoday, 2015-03-26 02:00:00
Read 83 Times
TNA urges President, PM to visit Mullaitivu
By M. Sasikumar
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Vanni District Parliam entarianN. Sivasakthy Anandan alleged that properties still under the custody of the Security Forces in the Mullaitivu District were stalling the process of resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons in those areas.
He has appealed to President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and government officials to visit the Mullaitivu District to familiarise themselves with the problems there and solve them immediately.
He said, although it has been six years after the end of the war, people were yet to be resettled in certain areas of the Mullaitivu District.

"Hundreds of families remain affected because their landholdings are either held by the military or are taken over by public service institutions.These families currently liveg with their relatives, friends and in rented houses," he said. Lands in Puthukudiyiruppu, Kepapilavu, Kokkilai and Kokkuthoduvai are in the custody of the security forces. Although land deeds were issued to the owners of these lands by former Presidents and divisional secretaries, those deeds had been cancelled and the lands were handed back to the security forces, he said.

He urged that the Commissioner of Lands should take serious action to release all these lands to their owners. " While the 100-day programme is being implemented to ensure a victory in the parliamentary elections, our demands are yet to be met. The current government has not adequately addressed the people's grievances relating to lands, political prisoners, missing persons etc and offered them appropriate solutions" he said.

However, he said he appreciated the government's distribution of land deeds to 4,000 land owners, but the President and Prime Minister should pay a visit to the Mullaitivu District to address the issues of the people there.
The distribution of land deeds was carried out under the guidance of Mullaitivu District Secretary N. Vethanayagan. Northern Provincial Councillors T.Raviharan and Mary Kamala, Land Commissioner Rajapaksa, Additional District Secretary Mohanraj, Karaithuraipattu Divisional Secretary Thireskumar, Northern Land Commissioner Thayananda.

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