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Thursday, March 12, 2015

Tom and Jerry Show

Tom and Jerry Show


The new government is in an unenviable position. It made battling corruption out to be its raison d’etre before the Jan. 08 presidential election, but a little over two months into office, it stands accused of a scandal besides being flayed for its failure to expose any of the crooks of the previous government.

Some government bigwigs vowed to set up a special commission to investigate what they called mega corrupt deals under the previous regime. But, nothing of the sort has happened so far though more than two thirds of their one-hundred-day programme is over. Now, they are coming under pressure to probe allegations of corruption against their own government.

Nothing would have damaged the incumbent government’s image than the Opposition campaign to oust Central Bank Governor Arjun Mahendran over a questionable bond issue. Not to be outdone, the JHU and the JVP, too, have called for his resignation. The government has appointed a committee to probe the scandal as a damage control measure, but its critics demand tougher action. Nobody takes probe committees seriously because they are notorious for cover-ups.

The National Freedom Front (NFF) has demanded to know why the investigation into the bond scandal has not been handed over to the CID which is called in to investigate even alleged falsification of documents such as birth certificates. Its argument is tenable. On the other hand, double standards run counter to the principle of good governance, don’t they?

The JVP is having a field day making as it does a great deal of political mileage from the bond scandal. The outfit gets the best of both worlds; it shares the credit for the government’s popular programmes as a member of the National Executive Council (NEC). And, at the same time it pretends to be part of the Opposition by tearing into and ridiculing the government. It is now more vociferous than even the UPFA in demanding stern action against the CB Governor. It has got an issue to flog to shore up its image!

The JVP’s quarrels with the UNP-led administration remind us of Wimal Weerawansa’s revolt against the Rajapaksa government. He berated the then Treasury Chief P. B. Jayasundera in public and even called him an economic hit man—aarthika gaathakaya. His party threatened to pull out of the UPFA coalition unless the Treasury Chief was removed immediately. But, later Weerawansa and the government patched up their differences and Jayasundera stayed put. The rest is history.

The present government only gets its bottom smacked at the hands of the JVP and the JHU. It does not have to fear a knuckle sandwich or a jaw-smashing hook.

The JVP is staging street protests calling for relief for the public. A group of men in loincloth and flip-flops paraded through the city the other day, demanding solutions to farmers’ problems and the implementation of the certified price for paddy. The farming community is beset with numerous problems which must be solved. But, why should the JVP cadres be conducting protest marches in the scorching sun when their dear leader can take up such issues at the NEC which has as its representatives both the President and the Prime Minister? What prevents the JVP from holding such protests against the government bigwigs who stand accused of corruption?

There is never a dull day in this country thanks to its politicians. Now, it is toon time on the political front. The JVP and the UNP are treating the public to a political Tom and Jerry Show with the JHU playing a supportive role. It is full of fighting but predictably no one will be harmed.

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