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Friday, March 6, 2015

stupid sinhalese this- write up was picked up i from the net and not ours ---Care Lanka

​sinhales helped the aliens to capture him jail him-our last king Then prisoner till death not at home but in India vellor not done by Inidian but by you know habitual invaders Who like to smell others and say bad  WHILE THEY STINK FOR MILES

Sinhalese are stupid  so said Lee Kuan - Now  I say the same Sinhalese are stupid .I am a Sinhalese’s.
1815 Sri Wckrema Rajasinghe was capture by the Aliens due to help given by the Sinhalese who enjoyed perks later and enjoying the same perks even now after generations. Our King. Held prisoner until his death in 1817 in Vellore India For what crime he did I asked the Soldier near by He laughed !  I saw this  monument  at ceyliinco car park where I was admiring the unimaginable transformations that s taking place in the Indian ocean at gall face.
When I was small I did not hear of Muslims. Today they are king makers enjoying all privileges  from all governments. They are united, they are crafty, they have religion s and place of worship that unite. They encourage  big families and assist them when needed. As for Sinhalese we are fools, stupid, we are not never were united or religious pace f worship encourage division ,Our  monks make blatant lies effortlessly Yet unlike other s they depend on the alms  of the fools. They do not assist the needy but prefer extravagant thamashas at the temples  show who is big. While  the stupid think by doing so they go to nirvana As they really do not understand real Buddhism. When they die unlike the Muslim they have some the biggest dos. In ur temples we are told - not to work we do not take any with us be happy with what ever we have while others encourage to do be better. Do more. Sinhalese are now  good beggars asking every thing and blaming government for every thing.Did the Tamils blame ask the Government of Jaffna then we want this and that. All what they did was to give not ask. Sinhalese are the kind who desire less work more pay- Go visit ay government department at 3.30 all are getting ready to go having started work at 9.30 despite arriving at 7.30 may be


​was there a thank you -

they bombed us relentlessly til our leaders said  ok ok lets talk we give this now .when the giving about to happen our hero cam then  we saw the light -now we forgot  but these dead will not
monument at central bank below
LTTE Lunatics Explodes Massive Truck Bomb in CentralColombo ... a terrorist bomb brought down a huge section of theCentral Bank building, killing 100 people. ... Sri LankanPresident Chandrika Kumaratunga said on Wednesday that a big  ...

For 30 years king of terrorist killed, robbed destroyed their own people but ensured more Sinhalese are killed and some  Muslims. He collected money here and all over he ruled with a gun not with a ballot for thirty years. No Tamil  up nor down  nor Sinhalese down questioned him where is the money despite he making underground palace and made bunkers for others .He recruited by force children to fight. Despite all the supposedly hated doings he is worshiped then and  now while we sent our ware hero home unceremoniously. Did the Tamils say we need a change ? Did the Tamils say he is corrupt to The their kind ? did they even attempt to send him home. Did  they ask for democracy did any aliens say democracy ?in North then
DONE  to prevent bomb and run
When I saw the vehicle  in front the  number plate of the car I that bear the security code preventing road side works shops making umber plates  my mind went on to see the vast amount of work that was done that was needed d to win the war from the number plates to house  to hour screen to motivating every citizen and the armed force to fight. As they were demoralized  by the previous government  leaders not to fight But a bogus fight that kept like the wound of beggar to make money and be in good terms with aliens. FOR COMING TITLES  MAN OF THE YEAR, PEAC AWARD OF THE YEAR ETC ETC AD MORE PRIVILEGES
Today our war heroes have no place to go unlike them who visit aliens for every stomach ache.  Our war heroes do not even have apace at home as  his beneficiaries are now chasing him for war crime and supposed coups. Who is saying this men who did not do any anything to the nation but even failed in trying to grow grass at gall face  in pulling teeth  .. etc
They have even have unusual desires that will stop -cease the Sinhalese race any way-
They said no democracy but enjoyed the votes in every corner to send him home. They said government media are for government but not private media are for opposition. They lied lied divided the foolish majority united the minority and now on the way to make irreparable damage to huge work being done destroying the momentum country was growing truly indeed to make Sri lanka an Asian wonder.
Sinhalese are fool including my own family who voted out the war hero. That is understandable my family say the same object very differently from what I saw since childhood. My family love to say happy birthday darling when I like to say it is a another day PUTHA go to temple give some to hungry in the corner– go not to the temples over fed but to the temples that do the real job-to say work, work, unite unite. Stop dreaming- karma does not come just because you are in the jungle doing nothing dreaming.
Stupid Sinhalese destined to be harassed .
Motivated to  Write when I saw the pristine parks showing signs  of lifelessness. Over hear stories of  Tiger flags, Gal mul  on guards- I said  to my self ooooooohhh what will happen to my children
I am not a professional writer but wrote as my desire to say Sinhalese are stupid made me a writer just like any animal who run at  impossible speed to save  life. This  small race with a such a small piece of land to say our home will go soon out of the map like what has happened to some adjacent countries. Like my own family most Sinhalese do not feel the importance OF  land  to say this is my mother land.

IN tears

THIS is our land for all  sinhala tamil muslim and not tamil only land like this

​this the growing momentum i saw in colombo 


​even more

​beauty no other land can offer

​not every one will have a mind to see a restorative vision like this-now he is  sent home and chasing to hit  a crime Sinhalese will pay for generations to come

walk -keep your health citizen lanka -HE DID HE WAS KICKED OUT

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