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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

President allows singing of National Anthem in Tamil- Mano - See more at:

two countries in srilanka has arrived ARAB  SPINR IS HERE NOW THE WAR AGAIN

President allows singing of National Anthem in Tamil- Mano

n a major reconciliatory move, President Mathripala Sirisena will be sending a circular to all institutions saying that there is no bar on singing the Lankan national anthem in Tamil.

He will thus be lifting an unofficial ban existing since 2010, when President Mahinda Rajapaksa let it be known that government will frown on singing the anthem in Tamil. Schools and other institutions, which were using the Tamil version of “Sri Lanka Matha, Apa Sri Lanka” since 1951, stopped doing so.

Sirisena announced his decision to lift the language bar when the leader of the Democratic Peoples’ Front (DPF), Mano Ganeshan, raised the issue at the National Executive Council (NEC) meeting on Tuesday.  

“The President said that he would send a circular saying that there is no ban on singing the national anthem in Tamil. He also said that he would have the matter cleared by the National Security Council,” Ganeshan has told the New Indian Express.

It was in 1951 that newly independent Lanka adopted Shantiniketan-trained Ananda Samarakoon’s  Sinhalese-language song  “Sri Lanka Matha,  Apa Sri Lanka” as the national anthem. Simultaneously, a Tamil version, “Sri Lanka Thaaye Nam Sri Lanka”, composed by the Lankan Tamil poet, M.Nallathambi, was also adopted. For decades, both versions were sung, although only the Sinhalese version had constitutional sanction.   

But the victory of the Lankan armed forces over the Tamil Tigers in 2009, resulted in Sinhalese-nationalist parties like the National Freedom Front (NFF) and the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) demanding a ban on the Tamil version on the ground that countries sanction use of only one language for singing the national anthem.

On December 12, 2010, Home Minister W.D.John Senewiratne introduced a cabinet paper to officially disallow singing the anthem in Tamil. President Rajapaksa, who headed the cabinet, did not officially commit himself to Senewiratne’s proposal, but word went around that his government did not favor the use of the Tamil version. In the Tamil areas, the Security Forces insisted on the use of the Sinhalese version only. The Tamils’ argument that in several countries, including Canada and South Africa, the anthem is sung in different languages fell on deaf ears.

  Comments - 35

  • Cheers Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:42
    Is he brave enough to lead the country with the decisions he is making and soon UNP will blame him and will wash their hands
    Reply : 53        54 
    lkboy Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:42
    Good move.
    Reply : 59        142 
    Mm Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:47
    Hari shok.
    Reply : 29        55 
    Katie Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:49
    what about allowing to sing the national anthem in ENGLISH
    Reply : 17        125 
    willowsd Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:59
    If it was allowed since 1951, then there is no issue in lifting the restriction now
    Reply : 19        142 
    Marikkar Wednesday, 18 March 2015 12:59
    This is just a matter of pleasing a particular community which has no common or specific interest towards Mother Lanka. I personally believe that the national anthem should be sung only in one language.
    Reply : 179        128 
    JDL Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:01
    Very Good move. Regardless of the language use to sing National anthem what most important is that it stays closer to heart of people. Since both sinhala
    Reply : 35        92 
    basil dinesh Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:02
    Its good idea we wanna be together.
    Reply : 26        89 
    ABC Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:05
    Are there any countries in the world sing national anthum in different language i am not sure via DM Android App
    Reply : 61        44 
    cyril n Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:13
    Good move. Every possible acts must be explored to bring down the misunderstandings and suspicions, hiw small they may be.
    Reply : 14        64 
    cyril n Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:13
    Good move. Every possible acts must be explored to bring down the misunderstandings and suspicions, hiw small they may be.
    Reply : 8        43 
    cyril n Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:13
    Good move. Every possible acts must be explored to bring down the misunderstandings and suspicions, hiw small they may be.
    Reply : 10        35 
    Thalaivan Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:13
    I think that the anthem should be sung only in Tamil.
    Reply : 81        59 
    Bala Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:36
    ABC Have you ever watched a worldwide show on TV. Most recently the on going World Cup cricket. South Africa is Zulu and English, NZ is Maori and English, Canada in French and English. Where have you been ABC
    Reply : 7        56 
    ranga jayamal Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:37
    mr. prasident api oyata chande dunne pissu kelinna nemei indiayaweth basha 108 thiyanawa aath jathika geeya rate pradana bashawa karunakarala oowage dewal karala obathumawa apa karawanna apa
    Reply : 54        19 
    ssivapriyan Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:43
    Excellent move and really appreciate OUR president. Leaders should be brave enough to take bold decision to take this country forward.
    Reply : 5        45 
    JEGATHEESVARAN Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:43
    It is a positive corrective move. Those who want to sing the national anthem in only one language (either in Sinhala or Tamil), go into a room , lock the door and sing. Do not disturb the public.
    Reply : 2        50 
    OMG Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:44
    How come Bodu Bala Sena is not to be seen or heard anymore?
    Reply : 5        29 
    Naufal Wednesday, 18 March 2015 13:59
    Does India has differnt language national anthems ? Becz indian tamil population is more thn Sri Lanka. :)
    Reply : 32        19 
    dilip Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:10
    Great ,very soon it will be their own national anthem . So why worry.
    Reply : 11        28 
    RMC Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:11
    Cn some body tell me whether the national anthem of India is singing in all major languages such as tamil and Thelingu
    Reply : 21        11 
    Kennediy Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:14
    In Sri Lanka early stage ethnic issue is minor, due to political Acts it became major. At-least now correct the small ones so that major issue becomes minor.
    Reply : 2        27 
    Ukkun Putha Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:16
    Do you want a separate national flag too? 13 also will come so casually.
    Reply : 35        16 
    Raj Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:42
    RMC, We are not liberal as Indian, FYI Indian national anthem is written and sung in one of the minority languages, Bangala
    Reply : 4        38 
    Lakksman Wednesday, 18 March 2015 14:48
    Indian nation anthem is not in hindi . It is sung in Bengal language which is a language of minority group.
    Reply : 3        25 
    semira rajapaksha Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:08
    Thats really good..!
    Reply : 2        15 
    Anthony Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:12
    We will be the only country in the world which sung national anthem in two languages. Even in India where there are more than 100 languages in use, the Indian national anthem is sung in one language. Mr President why not ban to sung the Sri Lankan national anthem in singhala and sung it inly in Tamil?
    Reply : 18        16 
    Ganesha Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:15
    Why should it be in one language in a country where two native ,official languages are in use. This is a symbol of reconciliation and patriotism for every citizen to sing with pride and above all relish and enjoy the meanings in it contented. It need not be in a link language
    Reply : 4        21 
    nelum Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:15
    i am singing it in gibberish.
    Reply : 5        7 
    Deneth Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:38
    Fantastic news! A great move to show solidarity and unity as a nation. Unfortunately there will be lots of narrowminded Sinhalese who wont like this.The national anthem in a number of other countries are sung in different languages (South Africa, new Zealand etc.)
    Reply : 4        14 
    Vijith Pieterz Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:42
    Good move.... we all Sinhalese living in Colombo and Kandy welcome your move.
    Reply : 5        19 
    Waco Wednesday, 18 March 2015 15:44
    India has been allowed to have dialogues with trade union leaders of the Up-country Tea Plantations.
    Reply : 0        4 
    Nims Wednesday, 18 March 2015 16:06
    New Zealand sings the National Anthem in English and Maori. Recently I saw a similar thing in Australia too
    Reply : 1        14 
    Tomiya Wednesday, 18 March 2015 16:07
    Rev. Sobitha / Rev. Ratana / Minister Patali, Your comments please
    Reply : 5        9 
    Palitha Wednesday, 18 March 2015 17:28
    What about in Hindi and Gujarati
    Reply : 6        7 
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