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Friday, March 6, 2015


A leading Tamil Diaspora group has welcomed the steps taken by President Maithripala Sirisena to address several concerns in Sri Lanka and urged the government to reveal its blueprint to achieve a political solution by negotiating with the elected Tamil representatives.
The London based Global Tamil Forum (GTF) welcomed the democratic transition process initiated by the new government under the leadership of President Maithripala Sirisena, which includes the increased space presently available for freedom of expression and rule of law.
GTF said the 100 day program initiated by the government that aims to crystallise the new governance norms through constitutional amendments is of huge significance for the long term future of Sri Lanka.
“The appointment of civilian governors for the Northern and Eastern Provinces is a very important step in the right direction. The demand for these appointments was consistently ignored by the previous regime. It is our belief that these positive developments, if garnered properly, will provide stepping stones to resolve the long standing Tamil national problem in Sri Lanka,” the GTF added.
However it said that the record of the government to-date, in addressing most pressing Tamil and other minority issues has been somewhat disappointingly slow.
“A sense of despair is slowly creeping up among sections of the Tamil population, particularly among those who have been displaced from their land, or kept imprisoned for years, or lost loved ones during the war and waiting for justice, or those still searching for their missing relatives,” the GTF said.
The GTF said it does not underestimate the mammoth task the government faces in several fronts and its notable achievements within a two month period. Nevertheless, it is concerned that any delay in addressing the Tamil problem can only give scope for hard-line attitudes from all sides to re-emerge, and this will make the task of achieving meaningful progress more difficult in the future.
“In this context, it is important that the government immediately takes meaningful steps to address a few pressing issues that includes reducing the excessive military presence in the North and East, transferring the land back to the rightful owners from whom the land was expropriated, and releasing Tamil political detainees who have been incarcerated for years without ever being charged. It is also important that the government makes public commitment to comprehensively address the war crimes and reconciliation issues in active collaboration with the UNHRC, and reveal its blueprint to achieve a political solution by negotiating with the elected Tamil representatives,” the GTF added.
The GTF also welcome President Sirisena’s forthright acknowledgement that the people in the North and East suffered the most during the war, when he visited the North this week and requested President Sirisena to act on the issues highlighted here, as that will help foster a positive environment and build confidence among Tamils, both in Sri Lanka and in Diaspora.
The Global Tamil Forum, for its part, is fully committed to play a constructive role, in collaboration with other stakeholders, in making all these reality.(Colombo Gazette)
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By adminMarch 5, 2015 20:29
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  1. Sitthawatthai Uthayakumar
    Sitthawatthai UthayakumarMarch 6, 11:20
    The Tamil Diaspora groups that function in the Western and other countries that continue to ban LTTE have to fall in a line and support the Mythri – Ranil Government and ultimately the TNA! Otherwise they will have to face the consequences!! Otherwise. There is no other way for the international community to keep its adapted baby alive and safeguard its interests in the Indian Ocean and Pacific!!
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  2. Jema
    JemaMarch 6, 09:46
    I’m 3rd Gen sri lanken Malaysian. Do I get a half of KL, especially if I belong to a group of Terrorist who killed so many innocent people?
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  3. Lanka
    LankaMarch 6, 08:45
    “Daladha Samidu pihitai Mage Siri Lanka”
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  1. Gamini DulleweMarch 6, 08:28
    PREDICTION: If UNP gov sustain another 10 years, Sri Lankan Tamils in NE will be turned into 100% Christian. Only a small minority of those Tamils living in Colombo will be able to keep their Hindu faith. Sudda is right on target in their non-stop efforts to kill other cultures, religions, and people….
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  2. Gamini Dullewe
    Gamini DulleweMarch 6, 08:17
    THIS IS NOT ACCURATE……It is Ranil/Chandrika/Mangala, the federalist bunch, is getting diaspora boost NOT Maithri…………Maithri is a puppet in UNP gov, only his “village-boy-image” is useful to UNP gov (to fool sinhalayas)………… AND THIS IS NOT SURPRISING……..Ranil/Chandrika/Mangala boost separatist Tamil diaspora and vise versa……this is WHY PEOPLE MUST RALLY AROUND Mahinda Rajapaksa irrespective of his shortcomings….
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  3. James Bond
    James BondMarch 6, 06:19
    Missing people are include Sinhalese and Muslims..not only Tamils.
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  4. Sirisena Yatawara
    Sirisena YatawaraMarch 6, 03:58
    Global Tamil Forum is objectively working for Tamil speaking race in world for to be installed puppet Tamil Eealm/Separatist regime and Rough State in part of Sri lankan’ land.
    The objective of GTF is split Sri lanka for Tamil Terrorist state and other Non -Tamils by back by Tamil diaspora!
    How can MS is working closed collaboration with such Tamil terrorist Diaspora?
    MS has working secretly that betray national interest of Our people sovereignty.?
    Tamils and Non Tamils ,Who are now engaging and encouraging Tamil terrorism in Sri lanka soli.?
    GTF is/was behind LTTE world well known ruthless Tamil Terrorist during 30 war against People of Sri lanka?
    How can they suddenly, that GTF of Terrorist outfit become and accepts democratic values and norms?
    How can such World first class Tamil Terrorist outfit of GTF shifted to overnight by change into Democratic and constitutional organization?
    Is that Mathripala Sirisena was elected by Tamils votes of minority working Tamil Eealm? This is not reconciliation with minority Tamils with living in island.
    MS is going to surrender our Territorial Integrity and its Sovereignty of People of Sri Lankan to World class Tamil state in Sri Lankan soil.!
    Is this hundred days programmed behind by USA, UK Indian and Tamil political game plan long-term split Island of Sri lanka for Newly set up Tamil Eealm?
    Tamil Nadu is homeland of Tamils in India,76 millions Tamils living in that own home land in Indian Republic!
    Why they want another home land for Tamil in Sri Lankan demanded by GTF?
    Tamils 75 millions population has to asking Tamil Eealm from Republic of Indian FIRST?
    Why Tamil is asking their HOMELAND FROM REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA?
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  5. mads
    madsMarch 6, 02:01
    Yeah the diaspora is taking the cue from their western allies, who wish to install a puppet government as they always do with smaller and weaker countries. After all the diaspora were able to procure arms and funds from the west to the terrorists. If my3 is not careful people will begin to wonder if he really did a deal …?

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