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Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Controversy over Chinese Submarines in Colombo I AM SHOCKED – Chinese Envoy

Controversy over Chinese Submarines in Colombo I AM SHOCKED – Chinese Envoy

The new Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Yi Xianliang, said he was shocked to hear the issues that cropped up and the misleading media reports regarding the Chinese submarines that called on the Colombo Port two times last year and said he would discuss with his counterpart in India, if that was an issue for them.
Ceylontoday, 2015-03-11 02:00:00
Read 230 Times
Controversy over Chinese Submarines in Colombo I AM SHOCKED – Chinese Envoy
By Sulochana Ramiah Mohan

The new Chinese Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Yi Xianliang, said he was shocked to hear the issues that cropped up and the misleading media reports regarding the Chinese submarines that called on the Colombo Port two times last year and said he would discuss with his counterpart in India, if that was an issue for them.

Briefing the journalists yesterday at the Embassy premises, the new Ambassador said there are so many submarines and vessels calling on the Colombo Port, whereas, when Chinese submarines come, it becomes an issue. "I was shocked when I read the news about the submarines last year," he said.

When the local media pointed out that it was India that objected to and expressed concern about the Chinese submarines coming here, the Ambassador said there must be a logical reason backing such objections.
"I will talk to my Indian friends. It's not political or strategic reasons here, but a technical issue," he claimed. When he was further informed that 80% of the Indian transshipment is handled at the Colombo Port, he asked if that was the logic behind their objection. "If that's the logic, then I have no comments," he added.

He also said the Colombo Port is a commercial harbour and that many countries, including the US, India and China, are using the port. "I don't understand the logic here," he added.
He questioned, "Can any other country use the Sri Lankan ports as their military bases or does the Colombo Port belong to India or Sri Lanka?" He pointed out that Sri Lanka is the owner of the harbour and if the Chinese presence is more in Sri Lanka, then Sri Lanka should welcome India and other countries too.

"I was shocked by the noise and misleading comments on the Chinese submarines docking at the Colombo Port for logistical replenishment last year. Actually, the Chinese submarine came to Colombo Port on its way to and back from the Gulf of Aden and the waters of Somali coast, to carry out escort missions for the merchant vessels, both Chinese and other countries. We came with our flag on the submarine and they were on the water and not under the sea, which is a violation of the international law."

On the new government's claim that the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the Colombo Port City has not been conducted and that is one of the major reasons for the project being suspended, Xianliang said, it is not the concern of the Chinese investors but it's the Sri Lankan Government's obligation.
"EIA is an obligation of the government and not of the investors. If the government has already approved the permits then the EIA is already finished and qualified," the Ambassador claimed.

He said the overall EIA for the reclaimed land has been completed and the individual project on the reclaimed land will have separate EIA and that is in the agenda but cannot call for it now.
"If the government says it wants all the EIA and come back, then it is not practical," he added.
He continued to say that the most important factor is to put the infrastructure as the first priority.
"The Colombo Port City is a project solely invested by the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC), not using a single rupee from the Sri Lankan side. The blueprint was drafted after consulting many major international agencies. These investors have the determination to invest in this mega project not only because of being optimistic on the project itself, but also because of their confidence in Sri Lanka's future," he said.

On the Port City Project, he said, as far as he knows, the CCCC (Investor company) has gone through due procedure and followed all the legal obligations. "As the Chinese Ambassador, I urge both the government and the Chinese company concerned to observe the rule of law and keep mutual trust and confidence in each other."
He said the suspension of the project has a gross impact on the investors and if the suspension period continues, there would be a major impact on their project.

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