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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Vigneswaran in violation of Law… Out with double standards

Vigneswaran in violation of Law… Out with double standards says Gnanasara Thera

The General Secretary of the Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS) yesterday (26) questioned the government as to why it is not taking any action against Minister Rishad Bathiudeen who is allegedly destroying the Wilpattu forest.
Gnanasara Thera addressing the media said that while there is a ban on the commemoration of the Tiger organization in the North, the Chief Minister of the North Vigneswaran held a commemoration ceremony despite the order. That is an indication that the laws of the country are not being enforced.
Ceylontoday, 2015-05-27 02:00:00
Read 842 Times
Vigneswaran in violation of Law… Out with double standards says Gnanasara Thera
By Ishara Rathnakara

The General Secretary of the Bodhu Bala Sena (BBS) yesterday (26) questioned the government as to why it is not taking any action against Minister Rishad Bathiudeen who is allegedly destroying the Wilpattu forest.
Gnanasara Thera addressing the media said that while there is a ban on the commemoration of the Tiger organization in the North, the Chief Minister of the North Vigneswaran held a commemoration ceremony despite the order. That is an indication that the laws of the country are not being enforced.

Gnanasara Thera speaking further added that "on the 22 April I went to Baudhaloka Mawatha to recite some pirith. Thereafter, I had to travel to Japan for a month on an invitation in connection with Vesak celebrations. It is in the meantime that this issue came up. As soon as I arrived in Sri Lanka, I learnt that there was a warrant against me. So yesterday morning I went to the police, and accompanied by the police I arrived in Court and got the warrant cancelled. The Court meted out justice," the thera said.
The thera added that everyone must revere the law but whilst laws were being observed in the South this was not the case in the North.

"Minister Bathiudeen has appropriated 3,000 acres of Wilpattu land. While there are allegations of bribery against him from the Muslim community itself, he still remains free. He was not even summoned to the Bribery and Corruption Commission. As the Bhikkhus of the country we are expecting the laws to be duly implemented impartially without fear or favour. In the country what is paramount is that laws must operate without double standards. We on our part have bowed before the law and are give due respect to the Courts. We are therefore, expecting others also to similarly abide by the laws and respect our Courts," Gnanasara Thera added.

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