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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

HRC takes up alleged abduction case involving minister’s son May 12, 2015, 8:16 pm

HRC takes up alleged abduction case involving minister’s son


By Ifham Nizam

The Human Rights Commission will take up the alleged abduction of a girl by  Minister Rajitha Senratne’s son, Eksath.

Recently, UNICEF Representative in Sri Lanka, Una McCauley urged State Minister of Child Affairs Rosy Senanayake to help resolve the conflict allowing the girl to be handed over to her parents to pursue her secondary education.

Ministry officials told The Island that on March 16, 2015 the girl’s father had contacted the National Child Protection Authority (NCPA) and requested that the Ministry arrange a meeting with his daughter.

"We arranged that meeting at the Child Ministry on March 23 but the girl’s parents refused to turn up, saying that they had in the meantime initiated a habeas corpus action in the High Court of Colombo and their lawyers had advised them that meeting their daughter before the court date might jeopardise their case," they said.

The girl had however gone to the Ministry on March 23 and the NCPA police recorded a statement from her; she said she had left her parent’s house out of her own volition.

On March 22 the girl’s father lodged a complaint against Minister Rajitha Senaratne with the NCPA.

"We have referred that complaint to the Attorney General for advice and will take further action once we receive that advice. While we await the Attorney General’s advice we ask the two families to put aside whatever differences they might have and act in a responsible manner in the best interests of the child,"  a Ministry official added.

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