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Monday, May 18, 2015

'I told UN probe panel all I knew'

'I told UN probe panel all I knew'

May 18 (CT) Former Norwegian peace facilitator Erik Solheim who said last year that he would reveal information to a UN probe on Sri Lanka's last phase of the war and the white flag issue if he was called to give evidence, admitted that he had indeed stood before the panel and gave evidence. He also said he was ready to share all he knew before any national or international tribunal. Solheim who was also ex-Minister of more..

Heal the private hospitals

May 18 (SL) Despite the beating of drums and blowing of conch-shells about the drastic measures to control pharmaceutical giants, have drugs come down in price? A septuagenarian who consumes about drugs for heart, diabetic and other ailments says that prices, to his knowledge, have not come down. Besides some of the new moves have made matters worse for patients. Doctors who are notorious for illegible prescriptions scribbled brand names which the barely literate pharmacists more..

End this impasse, for the good!

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