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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Uproar In House Over Stalled Debate On Mahendran

Uproar In House Over Stalled Debate On Mahendran

Parliament sittings came to an abrupt end yesterday when a tensed situation prevailed within the House, hindering scheduled proceedings from being addressed in the House.
Ceylontoday, 2015-05-20 02:02:00
Read 111 Times
Uproar In House Over Stalled Debate On Mahendran
By Gagani Weerakoon and Skandha Gunasekara

Parliament sittings came to an abrupt end yesterday when a tensed situation prevailed within the House, hindering scheduled proceedings from being addressed in the House.

Opposition MPs demanded that the No-Confidence Motion against Central Bank Governor Mahendran had already been listed in the Order Book could be taken up for debate.They demanded that the Order under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act listed for yesterday's debate could be postponed and the motion against Mahendran could be taken up yesterday itself.
When sittings commenced yesterday MEP Leader Dinesh Gunawardena raising a point of order said, the House should take the motion against the Central Bank Governor Mahendran for debate.

Leader of the House Plantations Minister Lakshman Kiriella said that motions seeking the dismissal of Mahendran and Director General of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption Dilurkshi Dias Wickremesinghe were not legal and moved that they be removed from the Order Book. "Both these motions are out of order in as much as there is no provision for Parliament to pass a vote of no-confidence on a public official, nor is there any provision to seek the dismissal of a public official by way of such a motion. Article 55 of the Constitution deals with the appointment, promotion, transfer, disciplinary control and dismissal of public officers.
Section 16 of the Monetary Law Act deals with the appointment and removal of the Governor of the Central Bank. Both these are Acts of Parliament and it is anomalous for Parliament to seek to by-pass its own laws in this manner. In addition, it is to be noted that there are references to the Prime Minister in both motions. Standing Order 84 debars members referring to any other member or imputing improper motives to any other member except by way of a substantive motion in this regard. Reference to the Prime Minister in this oblique manner it is also a violation of these Standing Orders. Furthermore these motions are in the nature of charge sheets against these particular officials and it will be a violation of the principles of audi alteram partem in as much as these two officials have neither an opportunity nor an occasion to refute these charges. This matter was accepted by the Speaker at the party leaders' meeting. Thus, the two motions should be removed from the Order Book."
Opposition MPs shouted against the suggestion of the Leader of the House. As the situation turned tense, Deputy Speaker Weerakkody suspended sittings for ten minutes.

When the House resumed sittings again at 2.30 pm NFF Leader Wimal Weerawansa got up and demanded that the motion against Mahendran be taken up for debate yesterday itself. "This is the biggest ever fraud in Central Bank history. I call upon 20 MPs to stand up and ask that this motion against Mahendran be taken for debate right now " All opposition MPs stood up in support of Weerawansa's call.
Deputy Speaker Weerakkody said that this matter should be taken up at a party leaders' meeting and suspended sittings for 15 minutes to hold that meeting.

When the House resumed sittings again at 3.10 p.m. Deputy Speaker Weerakkody said that the matter was forwarded to the Speaker but the latter was with a Vietnamese delegation. "The matter should be studied in detail and the Speaker has conveyed a message that he needs time to give his opinion."
Colombo District MP Bandula Gunawardena said that Parliament had the power over public finances, so the matter should not be postponed but taken up for debate.
Opposition MPs shouted that the debate on the motion against Mahendran be commenced.
Leader of the House Minister Kiriella got up and proposed the House be adjourned till 1.00 a.m. today.

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