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Sunday, January 11, 2015

Keep post-war security measures in place says UPFA

Keep post-war security measures in place says UPFA


by Shamindra Ferdinando

The UPFA yesterday urged newly appointed President Maithripala Sirisena not to do away with post-war security measures in place to thwart possible attempts to propagate separatism.

National Freedom Front (NFF) leader Wimal Weerawansa, MP, insisted that national security shouldn’t be a political issue regardless of varying political strategies adopted by different political parties.

Addressing the media at SLFP headquarters at T.B. Jayah Mawatha, the former housing minister reminded that the armed forces had been in a pathetic state when the then Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa emerged victorious at Nov 2005 presidential poll. The military paid a huge price in terms of lives lost to bring three-decade long war to a successful conclusion.

Weerawansa said that there had been a time when terrorists bared their buttocks to troops deployed in the Northern Province. Having crushed the LTTE in May 2009, the armed forces had remained vigilant to meet any eventuality, the firebrand politician said. "Don’t let them be humiliated again."

He asserted that former President earned the appreciation of many countries and international media soon after he realized the final outcome wasn’t going to be in favor of him. The country couldn’t forget the former President’s achievements, the MP said, adding that grateful people wept because they couldn’t bear his defeat.

Weerawansa stressed that the former President had won the confidence of the majority among the majority community and the minority among Tamil speaking people, whereas Maithripala Sirisena received the backing of a minority among the majority community and the majority among Tamil speaking people.

Acknowledging that the SLFP leader had suffered a temporary setback, Weerawansa asserted that Rajapaksa would stage a comeback soon.

The 127-member UPFA parliamentary group remained with the former President, the former minister said.

MP Dinesh Gunawardena said that the former President left Temple Trees while the results were being relesed, though Maithripala Sirisena’s camp propagated that Rajapaksa wouldn’t leave.

Western Provincial Council member Udaya Gammanpila pointed out that the Opposition repeatedly alleged that the former president was planning to win a third time through fraudulent means. The army was accused of interfering in the electoral process in the Northern Province and subsequently claims were made that in the event of his defeat, the army would seize control. But the final count beyond any doubt proved that Maithripala Sirisena had the overwhelming support of the Tamil electorate in the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

Gammanpila admitted that Tamil speaking people had some issues. The former president earned the wrath of Tamil speaking people for defeating the LTTE, the former JHU stalwart said. Therefore Maithripala Sirisena receiving their support at the behest of the TNA was understandable. He (Gammanpila) didn’t realize the Sinhalese electorate was turning on the former President, though the majority among the majority community voted for him.

He strongly condemned the Buddhist monks who had campaigned against the former President.


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