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Saturday, January 10, 2015

he said many thing and did opposite

MS vows not to contest another term

Taking oaths as the 6th Executive President of Sri Lanka at the Independence Square, President Maithripala Sirisena today vowed not to contest for a second term.

President Sirisena stressed the need to revise the country’s foreign policy by strengthening friendly diplomatic relations with all countries and organisations. 
President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday pledged to implement what he pledged in his 100-day programme as published in his election manifesto and presented to the entire country.

Addressing the nation soon after taking oaths before Senior Supreme Court Judge K. Sripavan, President Sirisena said he had to endure many difficulties, challenges and obstacles during his election campaign and the time was now right to introduce an enlightened political culture to the country.  

He said no other presidential candidate had been subjected to such a hate campaign carried out by the state media. He recalled the violence that was unleashed in several parts of the country including the Kahawatta shooting that killed one of his supporters. 

Quoting the words of the Buddha he said that whatever might have happened, he had no hatred in his heart and mind.

He also thanked outgoing President Mahinda Rajapaksa for arranging a peaceful transition of power. The event was attended by United National Party (UNP) leaders, former President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga and leaders of all other political parties that supported the common opposition candidate.(Sandun A. Jayasekera)

jean mathews Friday, 9 January 2015 23:24
May Budha bless him with the wisdom to govern the great island nation.
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nalin Friday, 9 January 2015 23:44
dream on...he even said he have no intention o be a common candidate
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rosebud Friday, 9 January 2015 23:48
Make sure you keep your diverse coalition under control and become a statesman as quickly as possible. via DM Android App
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jude Friday, 9 January 2015 23:49
Hope you honour your word. Please bring good governance to our motherland
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Jeevan Saturday, 10 January 2015 00:04
Only if you have an eye on the second term, you will do the utmost to the country. Otherwise you become complacent.
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upul Saturday, 10 January 2015 00:13
We expect good governance from you Mr. President. May the blessings of the triple gem be with you at all times.
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Bala Saturday, 10 January 2015 00:38
Hope springs eternal in the human breast - so said the bard. Let us hope for everything good for Sri Lanka - real democracy, good governance, accountability and transparency
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Dr. Zeeniya Nizam Saturday, 10 January 2015 00:38
Please remember your promises and implement!!!!.Good luck My3
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armrizwan Saturday, 10 January 2015 00:58
Throughout the whole election process you were simply great Mr. President. People in this country trust you and you know what all sri Lankans expect from you. A good governance and a better living for all. Time has arrived to make Sri Lanka the best nation in the World.
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kula Saturday, 10 January 2015 01:33
May the country become a paradise again for the world and for both singhala and Tamil speaking people irrespective of their religious beliefs.
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Karai Minnal Sri Saturday, 10 January 2015 01:42
Sir, we beleive every you say. I am sure you will take our country forward. We dont want corruption and above all thrre should be law and order equall to all the communities . God bless you sir.
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aKilan Saturday, 10 January 2015 02:09
now can we have some news on Karuna,KP,BBS,and Mervin..for fun. i wonder what is they are up to in the morining without MR.
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alahapperuma Saturday, 10 January 2015 02:22
Congratulations Mr PresidentThe nation sincrely hope that you are man with one Word. Hope you will stick to your promises
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Waco Saturday, 10 January 2015 02:38
Pradeseya Saba, Provincial Council, and The Central Government, MPs, Deputy Minister, and Ministers must not interfear with the day to day affAirs of Departments.
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Waco Saturday, 10 January 2015 02:43
People / Gangs who are responsible for Pre- Election, During the Election, and Post-Election violence MUST face the long arm of Law. They should not be allowed to go Scott Free.This does not amount to taking revenge.
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Waco Saturday, 10 January 2015 03:05
Prof: G.L. Peiris is a useful person to keep.
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Ram Saturday, 10 January 2015 03:16
May the blessings of the Noble Tripple Gem and the blessings of the Visiting Pope give President Sirisena the necessary strength to take the country forward as promised without any hatred towards those who opposed
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Nims Saturday, 10 January 2015 03:26
Please give some consolation to the poor people who cannot afford have one square meal a day by providing them rice, dhal and dry fish/sprats at a concessional rate
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Nihal Amarasekera Saturday, 10 January 2015 10:30
Good balanced speech without bogus fanfare.
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andrew pitugala Saturday, 10 January 2015 11:21
We will do this or that instead of I, was refreshing. Let us hope and pray that they will keep to the 100 day promises.
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Mason Saturday, 10 January 2015 11:58
The simple gesture of the new President sans pomp and glory was much welcome.May God give him and his team necessary strength to fulfill his programme of work to the satisfaction of the masses.
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chaminda Saturday, 10 January 2015 12:15
congratulations on your appoitment as president. But there cannot be a second term for you or there cannot be another presidential election to contest again since you have promised to abolish the executive presidency. We sincerely hope that you would live up to your word. This talk of another term cast doubt as to whether you would not abolish it within a short period but looks like you want to go for the full six years.
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Waco Saturday, 10 January 2015 13:06
We had enough talk. We need action now.
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weera Saturday, 10 January 2015 13:40
Please contest for a second term. You need more than one term to get the country on the right track and the people will be disappointed if you leave after one term.
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