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Sri Lanka PUPPET President defuses star wars crisis

Sri Lanka President defuses star wars crisis
By Our Political Correspondent

Feb 20, 2015 16:57 PM GMT+0530 | 9 Comment(s)

MILITARY CHIEF:  Sri Lanka's new army commander Krishantha de Silva accepting his appointment from President Maithripala Sirisena
COLOMBO (EconomyNext) - President Maithripala Sirisena has accepted Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's nominee, Krishantha de Silva,  for the post of the new army chief in a move to patch up a rift in the new government, official sources said.

Sirisena, under pressure from former army chief and ally Sarath Fonseka, had been keen to appoint Major General Mahesh Senanayake, an officer who had been politically victimised by the former regime.

However, Senanayake was seen as a staunch Fonseka  loyalist who could be a proxy of the army-general-turned politician who has already influenced several other key appointments within the army to establish his de facto control.

With the appointment of Maj Gen. Krishantha de Silva, the president has moved to mend fences with the Prime Minister and deflect criticism that he was ignoring the government and acting at the behest of Fonseka.

The new army chief had been sent as deputy ambassador to Moscow in May 2014 by Gotabhaya Rajapakse. However, de Silva is the only military officer sent on a diplomatic posting who did not join the Rajapakse re-election bid.

With de Silva's elevation with effect from February 22, several other senior officers who openly campaigned for the former president are either expected to resign or forced to retire with no further extensions granted.

Fonseka's camp which pushed for Maj. Gen Senanayake to the army chief had speculated that ‘Maj. Gen. Jagath Rambukpotha would be elevated to replace Lt. Gen. Daya Ratnayake who retires tomorrow.

Rambukpotha is one of the few independent honourable officers in the military hierarchy, but there are several others who are more senior to him.

With the latest appointment, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe may have asserted his authority, but the two key appointments of director operation and military secretary are with nominees of Gen. Fonseka.


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February 21, 08:52 AM
The Army Commander retired due to age and there was no early retirement. Also no person, military or otherwise should be given ambassador posts as some pay off. There is a foreign service for that. The foreign service is not a retirement ambalama for public servants or military men or any friends of the political class.
Comrade De Ex
February 21, 08:08 AM
Not to find any faults with newly appointed Army commander but here are some facts I witnessed mainly through the official Army website. For the past 15 years or so. I am very sad to witness how and why out going Army commander was forced to retire so soon as it was clearly S.F.and UNP's plan to take the revenge from all 3 forces commanders as per S.F's recent own statement how ever I doubt if the present government could be able to chase away Navy and Air Force commanders as well?
Gen Daya Rathnayeke was one of the most efficient Past Army commander's if not the most efficient Past Army commander I witnessed he worked relentlessly to upbringing the lives not only the military personnel but also the poor citizens mainly northern and eastern majority of Tamil people. For his credit many projects started after post war under his initiative and leadership almost every one was a success.
They were basically not personal gains rather good will gestures with the help of local and international support. I wonder why he was treated like this? More than his rank was promoted and sent home he should have given time continue to improve both our military and the civilian lives. Gen Daya Rathnayeke was not only a brave infantry soldier at war times but he was a very smart ceremonial officer too during the time of peace, he's an exemplary officer and a gentleman with down to earth qualities a rare personality who exceeded both academics and sports not only at school level but both while serving the military this is clearly a missed opportunity for mother Lanka.
At least to compensate the unjust make him a high commissioner in a neutral country for the sacrifices he made for Sri Lanka. I wish you the best thank you sir for your exemplary long services rendered to our country. Who knows may be wait patiently until the coming general election is over you may be able to serve again in your own military attire. May you come across many greener pastures. May the blissful triple gem bless you and your family. We always love and loved you.
February 21, 11:23 AM
well, yahapalanaya o watever it is, its system where a number of ppl r using a puppet 2 reach their own ends!!!! ranil is lucky 2 hv a buddy like MS!! otherwise who wud hv thought ranil wud b the PM in this life!!! lucky guy!!!!
February 21, 06:05 AM
Fonseka should be asked to get lost!! He has been given everything that was promised. He is no politician or civilian leader. The Army follows the civilian leadership and he should have no business even calling anyone. Bad enough his wife has been given a cushy job to boot. What experience does she have managing anything other than her household? Who is next? The son-in-law and daughter? Why no questions about the arms deals he was accused of when Army Commander? foot! Is'nt this Nepotism? Why is it different when the colors have changed? That is the curse of Sri Lanka.
February 21, 05:38 AM
Fonny is in the nature of an advisor on military affairs to the President. There is no harm in listening to experts. On the other hand PM also probably has his own reasons for recommending people. The President has to carefully weigh the pros and cons and decide on the best appointment. If there is some pushing and shoving that is better than someone appointing people arbitrarily on the wishes of one person. However the best way to make senior appointment is to go through some standard process - seniority, service record etc - for any top pubic appointment. The constitutional council will go some way towards fixing this problem which has led to the deterioration of the public service.
February 21, 01:13 AM
Fonny, who isnt even a member of parliament is calling the shots! Nice good governance !
February 21, 12:19 PM
This clearly shows that Maithree is only a puppet!
Dickie Bird
February 20, 09:05 AM
So.......... How different is this Government to that of the previous one?
February 20, 08:55 AM
Who is calling the shots in the state? Executive president or minority leader PM in parliament?
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