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Sunday, March 5, 2017

මංගල විදේශ ඇමති ධුරයෙන් ඉවතට


විදේශ කටයුතු ඇමති මංගල සමරවිර මහතා ඊළ`ග ඇමති මංඩල වෙනස් කිරිමේදි එහුගේ අමාත්‍යංශය කරන බවට ජණාධිපති මෛති‍්‍රපාල සිරිසේන මහතා පවසා තිෙබි.
ඊට හේතුව සමරවීර මහතා ඇමතිධුර බලතල පාවිච්චි කර රටේ ප‍්‍රතිපත්තියට පිටින් කටයුතු කිරිමයි. ඇමරිකානු ජණාධිපතිවරණයේදී ජනාධිපති මෛති‍්‍රපාල සිරිසේන මහතාට නොදන්වා එහි ගොස් ජණාධිපතා අපේක්ෂක හිරලි ක්ලීන්ටන්ගේ ජයග‍්‍රහණය වෙනුවෙන් ප‍්‍රචාරක කටයුතුවල නියැලී ඇති නිසා ජණාධිපති ඩොනල්ඞ් රමිප් ශි‍්‍ර ලංකාව කෙරෙහි කළකිරමෙන් සිටින බව වාර්තා ෙවි.
ඩොනල්ඩි රමිප්ගේ ප‍්‍රථම රාජකාරි අතර දකූණු ආසියානු රාජ්‍ය ලේකම් නිෂා බිෂ්වාල් ඉවත් කිරිම එහි ප‍්‍රතිපලයක් බව වාර්තා ෙවි.
ජණාධ්පතිවරයා හමුවීමට මංගල සමරවීර මහතා වෙලාවක් ඉල්ලා ඇතත් එය ලබා දී නොමැති අතර ලබන මාසයේ ඉන්දුනිසියාෙවි සංචාරයක නියැලීමට නියමිත ජනාධිපතිවරයා එහිදී හො මුන ගැසිමට අවස්ථාවක් ලබාදෙන ලෙස ඉල්ලා තිෙබි.

norway news by

NORWAY NEWS's profile photoThe State Intelligence Service (SIS) misguided by Tamil criminals from Jaffna 

Recently in 2011, a personality of Tigers who had been held under arrest in the police station of Chunnakam died in Vanni. 

In respect to this incident several police persons were arrested now in custody. 

Attorney General has lodged petitions in Kilinochchi and Jaffna courts against them under charges of murder and torture. 

Among those who have been arrested under this case and held in prison are three Tamil police personnel including Mr.Gnanalingam Mayuran belonging to the family of UNP , SLFP supporter. 

They extended their sincere service for the triumph of Hon.Ranil Wickremesinghe and Honourable Maithripala Sirisena till the last. Their family members cast their votes for SLFP, UNP. 

Today they have been held in prison as prisoners for murder. 

The only mistake they committed was that during their police service they arrested and brought a tiger terrorist to the police station. they were not permanently appointed, everything happen under training period. 

They were entrusted with the duty of carrying out the tasks ordered by the in-charge officer of the police station under training period.

22.02.2017, As in the case presented in the court under accusation by Attorney General were denied bail in the district court of Jaffna. 

How you can keep Police officers more than 04 months in jail without any valid reasons based on misinformation given by LTTE Terrorist to CID and NIB. 

A Tamil police servant who was one of those who were facing this case flee to Canada, escaping an attempt to kill him by LTTE. 

Tamil Criminals spoiling Srilankan police criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS) from Jaffna.

Former LTTE Vadamarachchi Commander MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA and Former LTTE Terrorist finance wing member Mr. Sarva Sarvananthan from Chavakacheri is an infamous criminal in Jaffna, Sri Lanka was the main man behind gives misguided messaging of Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS).



R.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA and Mr.Sarva Sarvananthan from Chavakacheri are infamous criminals in Jaffna. 

Both of them are former LTTE Terrorist studied up to Year 9 and full time employment is involving in sand trafficking, fishing with catamaran, buying and selling of vehicles, trading illegally logged timber, dealing with prostitutes, robbing, hitting people, drug trafficking, trading narcotics, using school girls for sexual affairs, having affairs with the police, fault accusations to the police, turning court cases into different directions, giving problem to civil administration, illegal palm trade, trading of stolen bovine, stealing with the help of thieves, and many more become informants to Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS). 

They commit hundreds of illegal activities by saying that they are working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS). There are hundreds of cases against him in the courts, including cases of gun fight and Human Trafficking.

MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA who came from London to Sri Lanka to do illegal business, including Human Trafficking by saying that working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS). There are hundreds of police complaints against him, including Human Trafficking. 

He is involved in smuggling marijuana from India via sea while sending trading from Jaffna to Colombo. He is involved in these dealings by saying that working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS).

Millions of rupees are paid to him through MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA’s relative living in London for these ‘legal’ dealings in Jaffna, including Human Trafficking to UK by saying that working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS).  

Both of these men have been involved in these dealings for the past 03 years, but MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA does Human Trafficking to UK for past 15 years. The Sri Lankan police neither arrested them, nor performed any inquiry against MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA because of his connection with Prof. Rohan Gunaratna.

MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA has a British passport. MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA, who lives in Jaffna in Srilanka, now is an infamous criminal in the UK, Malaysia, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Taiwan, when was involved with human trafficking in UK for past 16 years, but telling that working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS).

He studied up to Year 9. Now his full time employment is involving in sand trafficking, fishing in jaffna and sending to Colombo Market, buying and selling of vehicles, building house and selling in jaffna, trading illegally logged timber, dealing with prostitutes, drug trafficking to jaffna via sea and India, trading narcotics, having affairs with the police, turning court cases into different directions for money, writing fake news on NEWJAFFNA .com website for convening court case to wrong judgments,  giving problem to civil administration, illegal palm trade, trading of stolen bovine, stealing with the help of thieves, and many more and Human Trafficking to UK from Srilanka and other asian countries. He commits hundreds of illegal activities. There are 04 hundreds of Police complaints against him in the Police in Northern part of Srilanka but he is telling to every one that working for IGP, S-DIG, SSP and for Sri Lankan criminal investigation department and The State Intelligence Service (SIS).

0777599301, 0777280119, 0776328848, 0774097622 and 05 more phone numbers used by (UK) MR.ARIYAKUNARAJAH SELVA and (SriLanka) Mr.Sarva Sarvananthan  alias Sarva.

LTTE’s official building in Colombo. 184, poruthota road, palangathurai, kochchikade.

පිරිපුන් දේශයක් වෙනුවෙන් විද්වතුන් එක්වෙයි .

පිරිපුන් දේශයක් වෙනුවෙන් විද්වතුන් එක්වෙයි .හිටපු ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් මුලිකත්වය ගනී.