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Friday, August 19, 2016


Buddhist Groups to promote supremacy of Buddhists – US Worry

The Buddhist Groups are actively working to promote the supremacy of the country’s majority Sinhala Buddhist population and sentiments among the Buddhists who have been marginalized since the independent and noticeably following new Yahapalana government led by pro-minority mind set Ranil and Sirisena.
However, the US State Department’s International Religious Freedom Report concerned on the Sinhala Buddhists sentiment in Sri Lanka where over 78% of the population are Buddhists. The one sided US report said that the Buddhist monks continued to operate with Government protection, and some monks, particularly outside Colombo.
It is fact that Buddhist Mocks are regularly innerving to close down unauthorized places of worship on the grounds that they are working to unethical conversion of poor Sinhala Buddhists and due to lacked of the Ministry of Justice and Buddha Sasana’s approval to run such unauthorized places for worships.
In the recent past, since the so- called Yahapalana government taken over the office in 2015, the attacks and discriminations on Sinhala Buddhists are going in systematical manner. The Minister of Buddhism stated that Sri Lanka is not a Sinhala Buddhist country while Prime Minister who is widely unpopular as anti-Sinhala Buddhists, Ranil Wickramasignhe confirmed the same at an Islamic Conference in Indonesia recently. Further, former president, Chandrika Bandaranayke whose farther is a converted Buddhist to gain political advantages and her late husband is a Christian, stated publicly that she wanted to destroy the Sinhala Buddhists fundamentals and majoritism in Sri Lanka. Currently, she is running a government sponsored office for so called Reconciliation to reach her sinister move.
Further, many obstructions and violence have been initiated by Yahapalana government partners, pro-LTTE Tamil terrorist political party TNA in Northern and Eastern two provinces by obstructing development of Buddhist temples and Buddhist worships places. Recently, extremist Tamils with the patronage of NPC members destroy a Buddhist worship place in Trincomalee, Northern Province.
The Government has not taken any effective measures to protect such Buddhists places; contrary the pro-minority government are trying to dilute the foremost position of Buddhism in Sri Lanka by constitutionally.
Related news items about obstruction inflicted on Buddhists in Sri Lanka:
TNA opposed building Buddha statue in Jaffna again

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