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Friday, July 17, 2015

onna weda dina 100

north  - high security zone removed
police removed
secret service  officers remove
maharaja  grabbing pivotal land in colombo
sampur given
tamil national anthem given
kotalawala  allow to come back but no payment to depositors
19 th amendment is to continue parliament without president interruption so as to allow  sufan style separation.
billion flowing  in to buy  all media and the hakara katas  so media is blanked for rajapakse.

cope report banned from publishing

why all are gunning  for rajapkse.the heol world out side of diaspora. becu he protected the land now he is unable to leav country  but lolla boys and lolla women goes out for smallest need - all financed by.....diasporas


deo: Obtaining enjoining order blow to freedom of information

July 17 (DM) Former UPFA MP Rajiva Wijesinha said that the obtaining of an enjoining order, preventing the publication or circulation of the COPE sub committee draft report on the sale of Central Bank bonds, was a huge blow

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