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Friday, July 17, 2015

mahinda ditches Muslims  7%  NOW  14%  NEXT  24% NEXT  THEN SINHAL AMODAY A MINORITY
July 14 (EN) Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa who is the UPFA team leader in Kurunegala has dropped minority Tamils and Muslims from his list of candidates to head a Sinhala-only team. He was not present at the Kurunegala district secretariat to submit nomination forms leaving the menial task to his deputy Anura Priyadharshana Yapa. Kurunegala with a vote base of 1.26 million has a 7% Muslim populati

mahinda ditches Muslims

July 14 (EN) Former president Mahinda Rajapaksa who is the UPFA team leader in Kurunegala has dropped minority Tamils and Muslims from his list of candidates to head a Sinhala-only team. He was not present at the Kurunegala district secretariat to submit nomination forms leaving the menial task to his deputy Anura Priyadharshana Yapa. Kurunegala with a vote base of 1.26 million has a 7% Muslim populati

onna weda dina 100

north  - high security zone removed
police removed
secret service  officers remove
maharaja  grabbing pivotal land in colombo
sampur given
tamil national anthem given
kotalawala  allow to come back but no payment to depositors
19 th amendment is to continue parliament without president interruption so as to allow  sufan style separation.
billion flowing  in to buy  all media and the hakara katas  so media is blanked for rajapakse.

cope report banned from publishing

why all are gunning  for rajapkse.the heol world out side of diaspora. becu he protected the land now he is unable to leav country  but lolla boys and lolla women goes out for smallest need - all financed by.....diasporas


deo: Obtaining enjoining order blow to freedom of information

July 17 (DM) Former UPFA MP Rajiva Wijesinha said that the obtaining of an enjoining order, preventing the publication or circulation of the COPE sub committee draft report on the sale of Central Bank bonds, was a huge blow

Monday, July 13, 2015

Ranil prevented assassination of Prabhakaran - Dayan Jayatilleka

Ranil prevented assassination of Prabhakaran - Dayan Jayatilleka

aliens are at full throttle with PACHA HALIYA to BURRY mahinda

This time pachayo removed security forces from the north ,Removed police forces removed naval post gave a  Tamil national anthem, Removed top secret agents from our forces and even attempted compensation package for LTTE. Which was turned down by the president
So  all was set for Sudan style independence  when parliament dissolved this time and in previous time too.
With 19 the amendment president lose this ability to dissolve parliament till four years passed  May the  gems under bless this land the only tinny land we have.
Pacha halia riding on not on kanduala  like dutugamunu but  on  parwatha atha like what elara did supported by alines.

With the only  nation able to print money and distribute some pocket money is enough to feed this dollar starving nation to betray their only  land.that what we are seeing today with media totally   anti Rajapkse and fully GEARED  only  to phacha halia Loud mouths of anti  Rajapakse are fueled by dollar bills

With half rehabilitated terrorists released Malinda and Sirisena are on top the list for  total annihilation If hat happens or if pachalia comes  back there will be middle east style violence burning  this nation.

Only  thing we can say Sinhalay Modaya designed to be liking  the the aliens .they have been fed with chemical filled food so the brains are working  revers gear. When They take medicine for cure they even set  the nation on faster reverse gear.
Even the power of  gems under this land  is off the tract  with hamuduruwo making gal palena  boru.
Sinhala moday have no money, no children no land nor brains Hamuduruwao is preaching Bana instead of getting the nation to work.Soon there will be no one to listen.

Shadow of Terror Documentary video

Shadow of Terror Documentary video

War of words between UN and Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka on Saturday said that the decision of the UN Secretary General to constitute a special committee to advise him on the island nation's accountability issues was unwarranted and the aid agency should not interfere with the internal affairs of any country.
In a telephone conversation with President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Thursday evening, UNSG Ban Ki-moon said he intended to "go ahead with the establishment of a panel of experts, to advise him, the Secretary General," on Sri Lanka's accountability in context of allegation of human rights violations and war crimes.
Reacting strongly, Rajapaksa told Ban over telephone "it was both unprecedented and unwarranted as no such action had been taken about other states with continuing armed conflicts on a large scale, involving major humanitarian catastrophes and causing the deaths of large numbers of civilians due to military action."
Rajapaksa added that "the implementation of such an intention would certainly be perceived as an interference with the current general election campaign being held island wide." General election is slated for April 8.
Sources in the President's office told HT Rajapaksa wanted to drive home the point that it was strange that the UN had never spoken about forming special committees on Afghanistan or Iraq, places where conflict is raging for years.
Ban's decision to form a panel was told to Rajapaksa the same day UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay repeated her call for an independent investigation into war crimes allegations in Sri Lanka. She stated that human rights abuses in the country were damaging prospects of reconciliation after 26 years of the civil war.
Earlier, UN Special Rapporteur Philip Alston had urged Ban to appoint an international panel to investigate presumptive war crimes in Sri Lanka. These include the urging of LTTE leaders to emerge with white flags, after which they were executed.

How MR averted US move to evacuate LTTE leadership

How MR averted US move to evacuate LTTE leadership

About two months before the final battle on the banks of the Nanthikadal lagoon in May, the United States had offered to evacuate top LTTE leaders and their families.
The unprecedented proposal had been made by the then US Ambassador in Colombo Robert Blake after the Co-Chairs to the Sri Lankan peace process, spearheaded by the Norwegians agreed that the LTTE could no longer halt the army advance.
Although a section of the press in March 2009 speculated that the US was exploring the possibility of evacuating civilians trapped in the war zone, it can now be revealed that the actual move was to evacuate the LTTE leadership. Well informed sources declared that the US plan envisaged taking over 100 persons, including Velupillai Prabhakaran, Sea Tiger leader Soosai, Intelligence Wing leader Pottu Amman and their families.
Sources said that Ambassador Blake went to extent of calling US experts to Colombo to work out modalities regarding the deployment of US assets to evacuate the LTTE leadership discussed the possibility of deploying US vessels to carry out the evacuation.
Sources said that an aircraft from Hawaii carrying US experts touched down at the Bandaranaike International Airport following a dispute over formalities regarding landing rights. Sources said that the US embassy had alerted the government of the impending arrival of the aircraft only after it was airborne.
Responding to queries, sources said that at one point the Sri Lankan government had suggested that Ambassador Blake should also consult New Delhiregarding the controversial evacuation plans. Tactical move by MR
While secret negotiations were taking place, the Army had advanced slowly but steadily into the remaining LTTE-held territory in the Mullaitivu district. By the second week of March, a multi-pronged ground offensive was eating into some 45 square km territory under LTTE control. At the beginning of the Sri Lankan offensive in September 2006, the LTTE had about 15,000 square km under its control.
Sources said that government forces could have finished off the Tigers earlier had the army carried out an all out attack regardless of civilian losses. In fact, UN Chief Ban-ki-moon had inquired why the government did not carry out an amphibious assault on the Mullaitivu beach to conclude the offensive as he flew over the Vanni battlefields.
Sources said that much talked about UN bid to save about 50 LTTE leaders and their families was made hot on heels of the failed US attempt. Sources said that had international operations to evacuate the LTTE leadership succeeded, Sri Lanka would have faced an extremely difficult situation and the so-called Eelam government in exile would not be a joke had they escaped.
The US and the UN had intervened on behalf of the influential Tamil Diaspora which continued to play a pivotal role even in the post-LTTE era. Sources said that those pushing US and western capitals were not only Sri Lankan Tamils but influential groups from South Africa and South East Asian countries.
After Sri Lanka had successfully thwarted international intervention, the LTTE on its own tried to use one of its vessels to evacuate Prabhakaran and his family, the sources revealed.
Navy Commander Vice Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe last Monday (Dec 21) said that a 90-metre ship seized by a special SLN team was believed to have been involved in a last ditch attempt to rescue Prabhakaran. He said that a light chopper launched from the ship could have picked Prabhakaran as the army advanced on the last LTTE stronghold.
Fearing an LTTE operation, the navy deployed the bulk of its assets on the north-eastern waters while the SLAF stationed a pair of jets at the China Bay air base to meet any eventuality.
Once the 55 and 59 Divisions linked-up on the Mullaitivu beach, it was only a matter of time before the Tigers collapsed on the Vanni front.