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TNA casts doubts on domestic investigations

  • By  Maneshka Borham
  • Sunday, 22 February 2015 02:30
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Inquiries into human rights violations
Tamil people of Sri Lanka have no faith in a domestic investigation or in a domestic mechanism into alleged human rights violations and possible war crimes said Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran. According to him, the people have lost faith as several commissions organized by earlier governments to investigate the matter never released their reports while some were halted abruptly.

“Therefore, as a party we are calling for the timely release of the war crimes report and further UN mandated actions, including referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC),” he said, backing Chief Minister of the Northern Provincial Council C.V. Wigneswaran who made a similar statement earlier last week.

He also questioned the motive of the present government to make such a request in order to delay the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) report. According to him, through the UNHRC resolution passed in March 2014, it was stated the investigation report will be published in a year’s time but now the UNHRC is attempting to delay its publishing due to the request made by the government. Premachandran questioned if the requested delay is in order to carry out a domestic investigation, then what purpose an international investigation will serve.

According to him, while government has made statements on what the UN will not be allowed to do such statements have cast doubt into the impartiality of a domestic investigation. “Therefore, we would need the report to be released and any further steps can be decided and taken depending on the report,” he said.

16 Tamil groups based in Europe, America, Australia and South Africa have demanded that the on-going external investigative process should go ahead. They have also requested UNHRC chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein to present the report at the next Geneva session in March, 2015 as promised by his predecessor Navaneetham Pillay last year.
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