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Sunday, March 1, 2015


People Will Back SLFP At The Next Poll” — Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena

Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Parliamentarian Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena stated that if an election is held the people of this country will certainly back the SLFP. He said that the SLFP has never lied to the public and had won the trust of the people. He also charged that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe’s government had misled, lied to the public and violated their rights and trust. – Excerpts of the interview:

By Camelia Nathaniel
Q: A lot of SLFP seniors were seen attending last Wednesday’s rally in Nugegoda. Does this mean there is a split in the SLFP since it was the party stand that they were not backing that rally?
A: No. There is nothing like that. The party didn’t take a decision; it only said anyone who wants to participate can do so.

Q: Some of the people who took part in it, such as Minister Dinesh Gunawardena think that Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa should be the Prime Ministerial Candidate. Does the SLFP endorse this view?
A: This is a democratic country and each person has the right to a personal opinion. No one needs to get excited about it as there is no election in the immediate future. There is a long time more for an election to take place and hence we will decide when the election is announced.

Q: The SLFP says that they will not back a National Unity Government. This is what some people say. But Mr. Maithripala Sirisena as the SLFP Chairman says after the next General Election there should be a National Unity Government. So what is the correct stand of the SLFP?
A: No. The SLFP has always had National Unity Governments. A few parties have come together and ruled the country. There is no change in that stance. Even tomorrow or in the future it will be the same. Minister Dinesh Gunawardena,   Dew Gunasekara, and similar Communist parties, Samasamaja Pakshaya, and the Mahajana Eksath Peramuna have all got together and ruled the country. Therefore we are not against forming of a unity government as the SLFP has always had Unity Governments.

Q: Then does the SLFP back the present government decisions regarding security issues especially in the North?
A:  Well the current government has yet not announced their firm stand regarding the security issues especially in the North.

Q:  The current government has decided to release certain lands in the HSZ in the North and does the SLFP support this?
A:  That is a decision made by the government. The government has to resolve that issue without compromising on the national security. Moreover we have no objections to the government deciding to give the lands to the rightful owners who had been forced out of their lands. We do not object giving the lands to the rightful owners, but we are only concerned if it causes a problem for national security.

Q: This government not only has won the support of the people but also have won some support of the Western Countries and Human rights council. This was not possible with the previous government. How do you see the issue where they didn’t get the support of the Security Council in particular?
A: No I don’t think the UN Council has given their support. They only say that they have postponed it for six months. This does not mean that they have in fact softened their stance nor does it mean that this government has managed to get their support. This government is just trying to interpret the time given as a positive sign that they have succeeded, but this is not so. They have not got the support but only the decision is postponed for six months. This maybe because they need more time as well.  NOTE-no they will do all after elections

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