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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Pivituru Hela Urumaya

Udaya To Register Pivituru Hela Urumaya

Western Provincial Council MP Udaya Gammanpila says that he will seek approval of the Election Commissioner at the end of this month to register his Pivituru Hela Urumaya party. However new political parties will not be registered on February 28 since there is an election at the Maritimepattu Pradeshiya Sabha.
Gammanpila further said since he was not a member of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) he would seek to contest the general election via the Pivituru Hela Urumaya after he gets it registered. He also said he will continue to act as an active member of the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA).
Elaborating further, he said that the main objective of the rally held in Nugegoda last week with the participation of three political parties including his party, was to bring former president Mahinda Rajapaksa into power. Accordingly, these political parties have agreed to take every action possible to fulfil their goal, Gammanpila said. (ISA)

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