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Wednesday, March 4, 2015


UN assures North CM on report

By adminMarch 2, 2015 15:49

UN Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman, who visited Jaffna today, had assured the Chief Minister of the Northern Province C V Wigneswaran that the report compiled by a UN-led team following investigations on the war in Sri Lanka, will be submitted to the UN Human Rights Council in September.
Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Wigneswaran said that he had raised concerns with the visiting UN official over the decision to postpone the report from the March session of the UN Human Rights Council to the September session.DSCN2406 f

Feltman had responded by saying that the UN body felt the new Sri Lankan Government must be given time to address the human rights issue and that the report will not be postponed for a second time.
Wigneswaran also handed over a copy of the resolution adopted by the Northern Provincial Council recently demanding an international investigation on the war.
Feltman, who arrived in Sri Lanka on Saturday, already had separate talks with President Maithripala Sirisena and Deputy Foreign Minister Ajith Perera as well as the Tamil National Alliance in Colombo.
This is his first visit to Sri Lanka, and the UN said he looks forward to discussing with Sri Lankan leaders various issues of mutual concern.(Colombo Gazette)
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By adminMarch 2, 2015 15:49
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  1. assupisela
    assupiselaMarch 3, 10:36
    Oh yeah it’s only tamil lives precious now? What about the Sinhalese more than 100000 got killed by Tamil tigers from former president to ordinary citizen no one wants to talk about this?
    Yes don’t count All Tamil’s are terrorist? Rem all terrorists are Tamil’s.
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  2. dingiri
    dingiriMarch 3, 07:10
    This is good example by foreign elements interfering to Sri Lanka sovereignty.According to our constitution provincial governments are not entitled to liaised directly with foreign governments or UN missions.This is direct interference to our country by western powers tru UN. Our west puppet government is dancing to their tunes as they ordered.

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